• 英国女王庆祝登基60周年

    12-02-06 The Queen has said she is dedicating herself anew to your service, as she marks the 60th anniversary of her accession to the throne. 英国女王登基60周年之际,她表示将致力于重新为大众服务。 In a message, she also said she felt deeply moved by the supp...

  • High-speed train attendants 高姐

    12-01-18 High-speed train attendants ready for service: The crew on the rail route were selected from numerous applicants and have undergone rigorous training. 高铁开通在即,高姐整装待命:高铁线路上的乘务员都是从无数应聘者中海选出来的,而且已经经过了严格训练...

  • Aquatics Reception

    11-12-07 When the customer asked me for service, if I can I will pleasurably serve them, if I can't I always say that: I am the aquatics(水上运动) receptionist, please wait a second, let me find expert staff to serve you. So around the aquatics and pets ar...

  • 乘机必备词汇

    11-06-16 connecting flight 衔接航班 speed, velocity 速度 ceiling 上升限度 cruising speed 巡航速度 top speed 最高速度 night service 夜航 airsick 晕机 direct flight, straight flight 直飞 landing 着陆 boarding check 登机牌 plane ticket 飞机票 flight, flying 飞...

  • 世博词汇之门票

    10-11-02 standard day 平日 standard day ticket 平日门票 平日票是上海世博会举办期间除指定日外的其它所有参观日(共167天)可通用的门票。平日票分为平日普通票、平日优惠票、3次票、7次票和夜票五种。 designated day 指定日 Peak Day ticket 指定日门票 指定日票是根据上...

  • 巴西法院要求麦当劳赔偿前雇员

    10-10-30 A Brazilian court ruled this week that McDonald's must pay a former franchise manager $17,500 because he gained 65 pounds (30 kilograms) while working there for a dozen years. 巴西一家法院本周做出判决,要求麦当劳必须赔偿其一家连锁店的前任经理1.75万...

  • 德国邮政发动出行者顺路投递包裹

    10-10-23 德国邮政近期宣布了一系列提升服务又环保的举措,具体做法是发动城市中普通的出行者们顺路投递包裹,希望由此可以减轻市中心的交通压力并且减少二氧化碳排放。 Germany's postal service has announced plans to explore improved service and help protect the enviro...

  • 比利时罢工影响欧洲之星列车运行

    10-10-18 Thousands of Eurostar passengers have had to change their travel plans because of industrial action on Belgium's rail network. 因比利时铁路系统工人举行罢工,数千欧洲之星列车乘客被迫改变出行计划。 Eurostar said no trains would operate from London to...

  • 古巴国营理发店和美容沙龙将私有化

    10-04-13 Cuba is turning over hundreds of state-run barber shops and beauty salons to employees in what may be the start of a long-expected privatisation drive. 古巴将把数百家国营理发店和美容沙龙转交给雇员经营,这或许是其国民期待已久的私有化进程的开始。 All...

  • 英国地形测量局免费开放地图数据

    10-04-02 Mapping agency Ordnance Survey (OS) has launched a service offering free and unrestricted access to most of its map data. 英国地形测量局发起一项免费服务,用户可以免费、无限制地获得其绝大部分地图数据。 Sir Tim Berners-Lee said he was delighted by the...