• 三名美国特工酗酒被遣送回国

    14-03-31 The Secret Service has sent three agents home from the Netherlands just before President Barack Obama's arrival after one agent was found inebriated in an Amsterdam hotel. 在美国总统贝拉克奥巴马到达阿姆斯特丹之前,特勤处因一名特工在阿姆斯特丹的一家...

  • pet sitter 宠物保姆

    14-03-27 A pet sitter is a contracted service provider who takes care of a pet at its own home. The term comes from baby-sitter. 宠物保姆(pet sitter)指签订了雇佣合同,在宠物家中提供照看服务的人。该词源自于婴儿保姆(baby-sitter)一词。 The professional pet-...

  • 2015年新西兰将缩减邮政服务

    13-10-23 New Zealand's postal service is set to reduce the frequency of its basic deliveries, as customers increasingly turn to electronic communication. 因客户逐渐转用电子通信技术,新西兰邮政服务将减少基本投递的频率。 In an agreement with the government, si...

  • 普利策新闻奖奖项

    13-08-28 公共服务奖 Public Service 突发新闻奖 Breaking News Reporting 调查性报道奖 Investigative Reporting 释义性报道奖 Explanatory Reporting 地方新闻报道奖 Local Reporting 国内报道奖 National Reporting 国际报道奖 International Reporting 特稿写作奖 Feature W...

  • 《铁娘子》三

    13-02-21 精彩对白 Carol: You should have seen us, Pa. Margaret: Have you been trying to make breakfast? For Goodness sake, Denis! Denis: I can boil a bloody egg. Carol:Mummy took me for a test drive - We went absolutely everywhere. All over the place - Marg...

  • 让你的节假日更有意义

    13-02-07 Simplify It's hard to focus on the true meaning of the holidays when you're rushing from one shopping mall to the next. Try this: Six to ten weeks before the holiday season, sketch out a weekly calendar with all your holiday obligations -- then star...

  • Self-service library 自助图书馆

    13-01-28 Self-service libraries are becoming increasingly popular with Beijing residents, with 50 having sprung up across the city over the past year and 100 more are expected to open in the coming months. 自助图书馆受到北京市民的欢迎。过去一年间,已有50台自...

  • electronic passports 电子护照

    13-01-16 China launches electronic passports - Meng Hongwei, vice minister of public security, said at a launching ceremony for the passport that it was designed according to international standards, featuring anti-counterfeiting technology and intelligent c...

  • 生物多样对蜜蜂授粉的重要性

    13-01-15 Agricultural demand for pollination(授粉) is growing more quickly than the supply of honey bees, the dominant species managed for crop pollination. Increasing the efficiency of pollination represents a way of increasing crop yield without any incr...

  • real-name tweeting registration 微博实名制

    12-12-12 Shanghai is going to require real-name tweeting registration on Monday, following similar moves adopted by other big cities such as Beijing and Guangzhou, municipal authorities said Sunday. 继北京和广州等其他大城市之后,上海周一也开始要求微博用户用...