• Be joined at the hip 密不可分,形影不离

    20-09-02 表达 be joined at the hip(臀部连在一起) 实际所表达的意思是 某人和自己的一个朋友总是形影不离,密不可分,因此人们经常看到这两个人在一起。它也暗示若见到其中一个人单独行动是很反常的。 例句 My best friend from high school and I did everything together...

  • 英语笑话 和学校相关的几个英语笑话

    20-04-07 Why did the teacher write the lesson on the windows? He wanted the lesson to be very clear! Science Teacher: Who can tell me what an atom is? Student: The guy who went out with Eve! Who is your best friend at school? Your princi-pal! Why did the Cyc...

  • 朱莉18岁的儿子赴韩国学习生物化学

    19-08-27 Angelina Jolie says shes so proud that her 18-year-old son is leaving home to study biochemistry in South Korea. 安吉丽娜朱莉18岁的儿子将离家前往韩国学习生物化学,她对此表示十分骄傲。 The actress was seen in video released several days ago dropping...

  • 厦大51岁保安获法学学士学位

    19-06-10 Zhou Dexin, a 51-year-old security guard at Xiamen University, received his Bachelors degree in law after five years of part-time studying. 厦门大学一位51岁的保安周德新通过5年业余时间的学习取得了法学学士学位。 Zhou, a retired soldier from southwest...

  • 中国将加强对培训机构的监管

    19-04-03 Chinas Ministry of Education (MOE) will tighten supervision of after-school training institutions in 2019. 2019年中国教育部将加强对课外培训机构的监管。 A campaign was launched last year targeting irregularities in after-school classes and training,...

  • 4月1日起校领导须陪学生在餐厅吃饭

    19-03-20 School officials, from senior executives to headmasters, will be required to dine with students in canteens in Chinas middle schools, primary schools, and kindergartens from April 1, according to a notice issued by the Education Ministry, the State...

  • 习近平鼓励意大利学生促进两国文化交流

    19-03-19 Chinese President Xi Jinping on Sunday encouraged students at an Italian school to be cultural ambassadors between the two countries. 中国国家主席习近平周六在一所意大利学校鼓励学生们要成为两国间的文化大使。 The Chinese leader made the remarks in a r...

  • 杭州某小学开设活字印刷课程

    19-03-08 Students at a primary school in Hangzhou had their first class on Tuesday on how to make movable type, an ancient Chinese printing system, reports Global Times. 杭州某小学的学生周二上了一堂使用活字印刷术的课程。 The West Lake Primary School in the c...

  • 港澳台居民可申请在大陆当老师

    19-01-11 Residents of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan are allowed to sign up and sit teaching qualification exams for primary and middle school teachers in the Chinese mainland. 香港、澳门和台湾居民现已允许在大陆报名参加中小学教师资格考试。 They are also allowe...

  • 中国计划降低学生的近视率

    18-08-03 China aims to lower the rate of myopia among young students to 38 percent by the year of 2030, according to a draft plan released by Chinas Ministry of Education and National Health Commission for public comment, reports thepaper.cn. 中国教育部和国...