• 表“懒惰”的英语词汇

    21-10-02 突然想犯懒,想窝在沙发里什么都不干?八月里的有趣节日 国际懒惰节 就是一个让人们光明正大 犯懒 的好日子。在英语里,人们会用缤纷多彩的各式表达来宣布自己要偷懒。做《英语小测验》的六道小题,了解与懒惰有关的表达。 1. Someone who spends a lot of time in fro...

  • 有没有一个瞬间,你对老师的敬意油然而生?

    21-09-10 I went to a small charter school for middle school. Our English/literature teacher was brand new to teaching, if I remember correctly she was only 22 which seemed odd at the time. She always did her best to be so cheerful and make learning fun. But...

  • 北京将大比例促进干部教师轮岗交流

    21-08-30 北京市委教育工委副书记、市教委新闻发言人李奕8月25日在北京市教育双减工作新闻发布会上介绍,在新学期北京将大比例促进干部教师轮岗交流。 Primary and middle school teachers in Beijings public school system will be required to take part in rotation program...

  • take the weight off your feet 坐下来休息一下

    21-08-09 如果有人劝你 take the weight off your feet, 意思就是劝你坐下来,歇歇脚,坐下来休息一下,尤其是站久了。这个短语和你的体重可没有关系。 例句 After walking around Paris for three hours non-stop, Mary found a nice coffee shop and took the weight off her...

  • 和年龄有关的表达

    21-08-03 1.infancy 婴幼儿时期 He showed his talents in his infancy. 他在婴儿时期就展现出了天赋。 2.school children 学龄儿童(6-12岁) School children should receive education. 学龄儿童应该接受教育。 3.adolescence 青春期 Adolescence is a key period in ones li...

  • hit the nail on the head 击中要害

    21-07-21 成语 to hit the nail on the head 意思是说中了问题的关键、切中要害。 例句 I think Jemma hit the nail on the head when she said that the management lacked inspiration. Peter hit the nail on the head when he spoke out against bullying in the school. 请...

  • wet behind the ears 乳臭未干

    21-07-07 成语 wet behind the ears 直译是耳朵后面还是潮湿的,它的真正含义是乳臭未干、初出茅庐,形容年轻人少不更事,缺乏经验。据说这个成语源于胎生动物,如牛、羊刚生下来的时候全身湿漉漉的;虽然它们的身体很快就干了,但是耳朵背后却还是湿的。 例句 Simon has just l...

  • 简单倒装句

    21-06-24 英语语言中的 倒装 指的是把句子当中的部分成分颠倒顺序的一种语法手段。 用法总结 1 英语倒装句的用途:1)表示强调;2)突出正式性;3)体现修辞风格。 Never before (probably) has inversion been explained so quickly or so simply. 2 包含否定或限定副词的倒装...

  • The Story of Ms. Marvel 惊奇队长的故事

    21-06-23 Until recently, Jersey Citys Kamala Khan didnt think she was special. But one night not too long ago, everything changed. Kamala was caught in a mysterious mist, and when she recovered, she realized that her Inhuman powers were suddenly activated. K...

  • Courtyard

    21-06-07 Courtyard Darien Hsu Gee Her new family has her dowryher chickens have become his chickens. Clipped wings fly the short distance to nowhere. Her future husband has returned to the village. His parents had sent a message to the university: Come home...