• 玩电游能帮你找到更好的工作吗?

    20-12-29 Do you enjoy playing computer games? They can be thrilling, especially when youre competing against others. They involve lots of skill, and offer a chance to switch off from the pressures of real life. But imagine if your gaming talents could actual...

  • 关于学习的习语和短语 1

    20-12-29 Bite off more than you can chew 好高骛远 Meaning: to take on more than you can handle 意思是:承担超出你所能承受的 Example: I bit off more than I could chew when I signed up for the extracurricular activities after school. 当我报名参加放学后的课外活...

  • 包含look、sound、feel的英语表达

    20-12-05 1. I love _______ movies. They make me feel so relaxed about life after watching them. a) feel-nice b) feel-well c) feel-happy d) feel-good 2. When I walked in the room, she stared at me for a while, then gave me a really _______ a) mean look. b) ra...

  • BFF 最好的朋友

    20-12-03 BFF 是短语 best friend forever(永远的好朋友) 的首字母缩写形式。BFF 近来出现的频率越来越高,现在可以直接被当成一个名词使用,指某人 最好的朋友 或 最亲密的朋友。BFF 通常多用于年轻人的口语会话中,也可以用在书面文字中,不过书面形式多现于社交媒体的非正...

  • 单身人士应该如何理财

    20-11-06 1. Start Planning for Retirement The first thing you should do is plan for retirement. Contributing early and regularly means that you can get by with contributing a lower overall percentage of your income and you do not need to worry about catching...

  • whether,if

    20-10-31 Whether 多用来提出一件事情的两种或者多种可能性;if 多用来说明事情发生的条件。在名词性从句中,if 也可以提出两种可能性,表示 是否 的意思。Whether 和 if 在这类句型中的意思相同,所以它们的用法很容易被混淆。下面,我们会着重讲解当 whether 和 if 在名词性从...

  • 为什么选择间隔年?

    20-10-25 When youve finished your studies at school and college, do you feel like a well-earned rest? If youre about to embark on a course at university, youll want to recharge your batteries, let your hair down and have some fun. But how long should you do...

  • 荷兰学生返校复课

    20-10-11 Six months ago, wed never heard of it. Now, six-year-olds can sketch coronavirus molecules from memory. 六个月前,我们压根就没听说过它。现在,六岁的孩子可以凭记忆勾画出冠状病毒分子。 Little bacteria bugs that make you sick. Thats corona. I know abou...

  • Little Women - Chapter 7

    20-09-27 That boy is a perfect cyclops, isnt he? said Amy one day, as Laurie clattered by on horseback, with a flourish of his whip as he passed. How dare you say so, when hes got both his eyes? And very handsome ones they are, too, cried Jo, who resented an...

  • 开学英文词汇盘点

    20-09-24 大一 freshman 大二 sophomore 大三 junior 大四 senior 本科生 undergraduate 研究生 postgraduate 博士生 PhD student 开学典礼 opening ceremony 春季学期 spring semester 秋季学期 fall semester 登记、报到 register 必修课 compulsory course 选修课 optional c...