• steps out of line 与众不同,不守规矩

    21-12-28 如果说某人 steps out of line 这就意味着这个人的行为与众不同,不守规矩。甚至可以说一个人的表现太出格了。 例句 Teachers in my school are very keen on discipline. They severely punish anyone who steps out of line. Some tribal societies are very conserv...

  • a bird's eye view 鸟瞰

    21-12-24 鸟瞰 a birds eye view 意思是俯视,是因为居高临下,一览无余,让你能俯视全景。 例句 From the aeroplane we got a birds eye view of the spectacular snow capped mountains. From the top floor of our hotel we had a birds eye view of the city below. 请注意...

  • 教育部等九部门发布学前及县中提升计划

    21-12-17 12月16日,教育部等九部门发布《十四五学前教育发展提升行动计划》(以下简称学前提升计划)和《十四五县域普通高中发展提升行动计划》(以下简称县中提升计划)。 2025年普惠性幼儿园覆盖率将超85% The gross enrollment ratio of preschools which covers the first...

  • to have a crush on someone 迷恋某人

    21-12-14 当你深深地迷恋上了某人时,就可以用表达have a crush on someone。不过这并不意味着对方对你抱有同样的感情,他们可能并不知道你有这样的感觉。 例句 When I was at school I had a crush on one of my teachers. I never told you this before but I had a real crus...

  • pay through the nose for something 出高价,花大价钱

    21-12-06 在中世纪的英国,如果一个人没有缴税,那么他的鼻子就会被用刀刺穿一个洞以示惩罚。这正是 pay through the nose for something 通过鼻子支付这个说法最初的含义,之后被引申成为某事物花大价钱,支付高出合理的费用。 例句 We went on vacation during the school hol...

  • 学习乐器的好处

    21-11-17 你有喜欢的乐队或音乐家吗?有没有想过学一门乐器?除了陶冶情操和掌握技能以外,演奏乐器对一个人还有哪些好处? Its difficult not to admire the talent of a skilled musician. Whether it be a pianist, flautist or cellist, these individuals have shown dedic...

  • hit the ceiling/roof 极度生气、情绪失控

    21-11-17 ceiling有天花板、顶棚的意思,roof也有屋顶、房顶之意。咦?怎么就会打到房顶?原来是被气到了!暴跳如雷,一气之下火气直冲天花板而去! hit the ceiling/roof便是指一个人极度生气、情绪失控。 Dad will hit the ceiling when he finds out Ive left school. 如果我...

  • 我国将持续提升技工院校毕业生待遇

    21-11-11 人社部近日印发的《技工教育十四五规划》明确,十四五期间,我国将持续提升技工院校毕业生待遇。 In the 2021-2025 period, China plans to keep the number of students at technical schools above 3.6 million and the employment rate for graduates above 97 perc...

  • 美国教育 2

    21-10-30 4)the admission system in US univerisities: The general standards for admission include successl completion of high school(高中毕业), high school grade point average(GPA)( 高中年纪平均积分点成绩) and class rank (在班级名次),results from standardized...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 29

    21-10-17 1. The representatives of the enlightenment in English literature were the following writers but _____. A Joseph Addison B Richard Steele C William Blake D Alexander pope 2. Joseph Addison,Richard Steele and Alexander pope belonged to the school of...