• Xiang Ling in Grass Game

    14-12-18 On baoyu's birthday the young ladies held a drinking party in which they composed poems and much fun. Their service maids started a game of their own. Xiang Ling, Xue Fan's concubine, collected some flower and grass and began a grass game with the o...

  • 米娅·洛夫迅速成为共和党“新宠”

    14-11-07 据报道,作为第一位摩门教徒的黑人女性议员,米娅洛夫迅速在星期三成为共和党的新宠。人们很快将她与奥巴马进行对比,尤其是她在共和党2012年的全国代表大会白手起家并赢得喝彩的故事,和2004年的奥巴马极为相似。 Even her name is media friendly. Mia Love instantl...

  • 法律英语:Litigation 诉讼

    14-10-31 A litigant generally must make a motion in writing. 诉讼当事人通常必须作出书面申请。 A party must be given fair notice for the case made against him. 当事人应当被合理告知其被指控的理由。 Agree, for the law is costly. 私了吧,诉论太费钱。 An action i...

  • 法律英语:Costs 诉讼费

    14-10-31 Costs of the case will be borne by the defendant. 讼案费用由被告承担。 Costs will be shared equally between the two paties. 诉讼费由双方当事人平均分。 The amount of costs payable by one party to another may be fixed by rules or determined by way of...

  • break-up party 离婚派对

    14-08-14 A new trend is catching on among recent divorcees, as these individuals are holding break-up parties to celebrate the end of their marriage. 新近离婚的美国人流行办离婚派对,用这种方式来庆祝婚姻结束。 While some people may find this practice odd, man...

  • 第67届戛纳电影节将开幕

    14-05-16 Movers and shakers of the film world are boarding yachts or jets to head for the once sleepy Mediterranean seaside town of Cannes for a 12-day party that also serves as a film festival, with this year's lineup heavy on drama and light on humor. 电影...

  • 献错殷勤

    14-05-07 At a dinner party a shy young man had been trying to think of something nice to say to his hostess. At last he saw his chance when she turned to him and remarked, What a small appetite you have tonight, Mr. Jones.To sit next to you, he replied galla...

  • naked officials 裸官

    14-03-28 Government officials whose spouses have moved overseas will not be promoted, according to a regulation released by the Organization Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the Party's top personnel agency. 中共中央组织部发布的...

  • whip 党鞭

    14-03-27 A whip is an official in a political party whose primary purpose is to ensure party discipline in a legislature. Whips are a party's enforcers, who typically offer inducements and threaten punishments for party members to ensure that they vote accor...

  • afterparty 典礼之后的小聚会

    14-03-06 Afterparty or after-party refers to a relaxed social gathering which occurs after a party, concert, or trip to a nightclub. Afterparty(也写作after-party)指参加完欢聚派对、音乐会或者去完夜店之后举行的一个气氛放松的社交聚会。 Around the middle of th...