• Time travel party 穿越式聚会

    12-07-19 Time travel party is a new type of schoolmates gathering held by the post-80s generation, who have been away from campus for years. 穿越式聚会指踏入社会多年的80后一代举办的一种新式同学聚会。 In this gathering, all the participants are supposed to ta...

  • 《另一个女人》二

    12-07-06 精彩对白 Marilyn: Happy holidays. Emilia: Thanks. You too. Nice party. Marilyn: So far. I'm keeping my eye on the paralegals and the open bar . Carolyn: Oh, Marilyn, there you are. Marilyn: Carolyn, happy holidays. Carolyn: Oh, I have something for...

  • 《不求回报》一

    12-06-13 精彩对白 Patrice: Oh, my God! I told you that this was a pajama party . What are you wearing? What is this? You're wearing actual long johns? Emma: What?! Patrice: This is a frat party . You just have to be drunk and look hot. Watch and learn. Hey....

  • Roundtable 圆桌会议

    12-06-11 The Fourth China-UK Internet Roundtable , cosponsored by China's State Council Information Office and the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, opened in Beijing on Thursday. 由中国国务院新闻办公室和英国商业、创新与技能部共同主办的第四...

  • An Ugly Woman 丑女

    12-06-01 Mike: My aunt was very embarrassed when she was asked to take off her mask at the party. Mary: Why was that? Mike: She wasn't wearing one. 麦克:一次舞会上,当大家要求我姑姑拿掉她的面具时,她非常尴尬。 玛丽:为什么会那样呢? 麦克:她根本就没有带面具...

  • Eye-gazing party 对眼相亲会

    12-04-24 Eye-gazing party is a dating trend based on the practice of speed-dating in which participants do not speak to each other but instead, gaze at each other for a set amount of time before moving on. Eye-gazing party(对眼相亲会)是在速配相亲基础上发展...

  • Party foul 派对出丑

    12-04-24 Party foul refers to something that goes wrong at a party, this something can be stupid, embarrassing, or simply unacceptable. Examples of this include spilling drink on someone, breaking a lamp, throwing up, choking on a shot, etc. Party foul指开派...

  • 墨西哥产生首位女总统候选人

    12-02-07 Mexico's governing conservative party has for the first time selected a woman candidate to run in the country's presidential election. 墨西哥执政保守党首次选定一位女候选人参加总统选举。 Former education minister Josefina Vazquez Mota beat Ernesto Co...

  • 美第一夫人09年疑办奢华派对引争议

    12-01-14 《纽约时报》记者坎特日前在新书《奥巴马家庭》中揭露,美国第一夫人米歇尔在2009年万圣节期间在白宫举行主题派对,奢华活动的照片在美国经济衰退期间,显得十分刺眼。 A new book reports that the Obama White House hosted an extravagant(奢侈的) Alice in Wonde...

  • The Realm Of The Unreal 2

    12-01-11 Of one thing I am distinctly conscious: the man's presence at my side was strangely distasteful and disquieting -- so much so that when I at last pulled up under the lights of the Putnam House I experienced a sense of having escaped some spiritual p...