• baby shower 迎婴聚会

    11-12-12 Mom-to-be Victoria Beckham is finally adding a little girl to her brood of boys, so she had only one request when pal Eva Longoria and hair stylist Ken Paves decided to throw her a baby shower the day before Mother's Day: Make everything PINK! 维多...

  • 美国员工更期盼圣诞奖金

    11-12-10 美国公司多数员工更希望得到节日奖金,而不是为他们举办的豪华圣诞派对。 Companies planning to spend thousands of dollars for staff Christmas parties, even with open bars, shouldn't bother because most US employees would prefer money. Nearly three quart...

  • 《捉刀手》五

    11-10-18 精彩对白 Waiter: Good evening, sir. Hatherton welcomes you aboard. Ghost Writer: Thank you. It's my first time in a private jet. Amelia: Well, let's hope it's not your last. Lang: Hi, man. Take your seat. Ghost Writer: Thanks. Lang: Hey, bring my gh...

  • 波兰总理图斯克赢得议会选举

    11-10-10 Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has claimed victory in parliamentary elections after exit polls gave a clear lead to his Civic Platform party. 波兰议会选举后民意调查显示,总理唐纳德图斯克领导的公民纲领党获得显著优势。 Mr Tusk campaigned on strong...

  • Looking for a Cashier 寻找出纳员

    11-10-07 There was a banker who attended a dinner party, and a friend said to him, Oh! I heard that your bank is looking for a cashier, and the banker said Yes, yes, we are, we are. And then the friend said, But I thought you just hired one a few weeks ago....

  • 英禄·西那瓦当选泰国新总理

    11-08-05 The Thai parliament has elected Yingluck Shinawatra as the country's first female prime minister. 泰国国会选举英禄西那瓦为新总理,这是该国历史上首位女总理。 Yingluck Shinawatra says her priority is national reconciliation Ms Yingluck, sister of oust...

  • Gallant Effort 殷勤

    11-06-19 At a dinner party a shy young man had been trying to think of something nice to say to his hostess. At last he saw his chance when she turned to him and remarked, What a small appetite you have tonight, Mr. Jones. To sit next to you, he replied gall...

  • 瑞典极右派政党赢得议会多数席位

    10-09-20 A far-right party in Sweden has won seats in parliament for the first time. 瑞典一个极右派政党首次赢得议会多数席位。 The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats have won 20 of the 349 seats in the country's single assembly, following Sunday's general elec...

  • 日本首相菅直人或被小泽一郎取代

    10-09-14 Japan's governing party is meeting to vote in a leadership election that could give the country its third prime minister in a year. 日本执政党正在集会举行领导权选举,该选举将会使日本在一年之内产生第三位首相。 Ichiro Ozawa (L) and Naoto Kan (R) disag...

  • 澳大利亚首位女总理上台

    10-06-26 澳大利亚执政党工党24日早晨举行党内选举,副总理朱莉娅吉拉德当选党首,将取代现总理陆克文成为澳首位女总理。 Australia got its first female prime minister on Thursday after the ruling party dumped Kevin Rudd and installed his deputy as leader. Australia...