• 邀请客人

    22-02-15 H: Hi, Stella. Hows everything going? G: Quite good. What about you? H: Terrific! You see, John and me have just moved to a new house. We are throwing a house-warming party this evening. Would you like to come? G: Of course Ill come. I wont miss it...

  • buy

    22-01-25 这个词我们很熟悉吧,表示购买。但该词还能表示相信(某种说法)的意思,比如: ①He said he couldnt attend my party because he had to prepare for an exam, but I dont buy it. 她说参加不了我的聚会因为她要准备一门考试。我才不信。 ②I dont buy his story. 我...

  • 英国人最喜欢用的20个正宗俚语

    22-01-25 1.Mate 经常用于亲密关系。和好朋友说话的时候可以用,类似于美国人用的buddy,pal,dude。例如:Alright, mate 2. Bugger All 相当于nothing at all,只不过这个说法更通俗一点。例如:Ive had bugger all to do all day. 3. Knackered 用来形容一个很累,很疲惫,就...

  • 韩总统候选人:生发治疗应纳入健康保险计划

    22-01-10 据英国《卫报》报道,韩国总统候选人李在明近日在竞选主张中提出,扩大医疗保险所覆盖的脱发治疗范围,这让脱发成为选战热议话题。李在明的提案在网络上吸引了大量脱发者的支持,但也有人指责此举是赤裸裸的拉票行为。 South Koreas ruling party presidential candida...

  • eat sb alive 愤怒地批评

    22-01-07 1. eat sb alive 小谢尔顿又上台和神父辩论了,奶奶说谢尔顿会秒杀神父。 eat sb alive这个短语看起来很可怕,它的意思是愤怒地批评。 If we get our facts wrong well be eaten alive by the press. 如果我们把事实弄错了,媒体会对我们大肆发难的。 2. sport 大家都...

  • high time 已经迟了,不能再拖下去了

    22-01-04 短语表达 high time 意思是某事需要尽快办,因为已经迟了,不能再拖下去了。 例句 Im already 42. Its high time I sorted my pension out! The planes due to leave in 30 minutes. Its high time we were boarding. Its high time we got our car serviced. Its been...

  • 汉语盘点2021年度字词揭晓

    21-12-31 12月20日,国家语言资源监测与研究中心、商务印书馆、光明网、腾讯公司联合主办的汉语盘点2021揭晓仪式在北京举行。 治建党百年疫元宇宙分别当选年度国内字、国内词、国际字、国际词。 年度国内字:治 governance 小事治事、大事治制,推进国家治理能力现代化(the mod...

  • out of place 不相称的

    21-12-28 如果形容什么东西是 out of place, 那就是说这个东西对某种场合或地方不合适,不相称。 例句 I wore an evening dress to the party, but everyone else was in jeans and trainers. I felt so out of place! Sarah bought me a vintage clock for my birthday, but it...

  • light up 欣喜

    21-12-28 当某人 lights up, 这意味着他/她看起来很高兴或为什么事情而感到欣喜。 例句 Mum will light up when she realises weve planned a surprise party for her. My grandma would light up when she talked about the olden days. 请注意 另一个字面相似的短语 lighten u...

  • kick up your heels 好好享受

    21-12-24 如果你要 kick up your heels 那就表示你要无拘无束地好好享受一下。 例句 Its Friday night and Im looking forward to going out and kicking up my heels. We won the big contract so were all going out to kick up our heels. After the exams we kicked up our...