• something fishy 有点可疑

    21-12-24 如果说 something fishy 意思就是一件事情让人觉得可疑。 例句 Hang on, my laptop was here a second ago. Something fishys going on. Theres something fishy about that guy. He never looks at you when he speaks. Theres something very fishy about the explan...

  • all dolled up 打扮得花枝招展

    21-12-24 如果形容一个人all dolled up 就表示这个人打扮得花枝招展,漂漂亮亮的。 例句 I have to rush home to get all dolled up for the party tonight! Mary opted for a simple white suit for her wedding because she is too shy to walk down the aisle all dolled up....

  • hit out 抨击

    21-12-20 当你 hit out at 某人或某件事情时,意思是你在言论上抨击对方。 例句 The MP hit out at the journalists who criticised the governments policy. My friend hit out at everyone when she discovered she wasnt invited to the party. The singer used her website...

  • to go out with a bang 圆满结束

    21-12-17 To go out with a bang 意思是某件事情成功地完成,并得到了人们的赞赏和雷鸣般的掌声。 例句 The festival went out with a bang when the world-famous rock band came on to play. John got a karaoke machine for his leaving party to ensure that he went out wi...

  • Tom, Dick and Harry 任何人,随便什么人

    21-12-17 短语 Tom, Dick and Harry 字面上是三个常见英文人名,实际含义是指任何人,随便什么人。 例句 Every Tom, Dick and Harry has a mobile phone these days. Any Tom, Dick or Harry can tie their shoelaces - its not difficult. It was so crowded at the party - wh...

  • swimmingly 顺利地

    21-12-17 当我们用副词 swimmingly 来形容某一件事情的进展情况时,意思就是说事情进行得非常顺利,轻轻松松,没有任何问题。 例句 I organised a dinner party and it all went swimmingly. The guests enjoyed themselves and chatted until the early hours of the morning....

  • 2021年度中国媒体十大流行语发布 上

    21-12-15 作为年度汉语盘点活动重要组成部分,2021年度中国媒体十大流行语于2021年12月13日由国家语言资源监测与研究中心发布。 本次发布的十大流行语为:建党百年、2020东京奥运会、中国航天、双碳、疫苗接种、双减、北交所、清朗行动、疫苗援助、《生物多样性公约》。 一、建...

  • 好了,玩笑就到此……

    21-12-10 好了,玩笑就到此 Well, all joking aside,... Well, seriously,... 例句: Ha, ha, thats a good one! (哈,哈,这个玩笑真有趣。) Well, all joking aside, lets get to work. (好了好了,玩笑归玩笑,快去干活儿吧。) 顺便提一下 By the way,... Well,... Now,......

  • farewell dinner 散伙饭

    21-11-23 六月,艳阳,盛夏,又是一年毕业季(graduation season)。 时光总是过得很快,一眨眼的功夫,校园生活就结束了。以前总是一块上课自习的同学也即将分离。 同学们在各奔东西前,都要聚在一起吃一顿散伙饭。 散伙饭,中文俗语,指即将要分别的同学的一次聚餐,也被学子...

  • red egg party 满月酒

    21-11-23 满月又称弥月,中国民俗礼仪,指婴儿出生满一个月,(of a baby)be one month old,是中国的小宝宝们度过的第一个隆重的生日。 在中国,婴儿满月时要举办热闹的宴会,俗称摆满月酒(hold a celebration for a babys first month birthday). 传统风俗中,满月酒上要吃...