• You are a star! 你真厉害

    21-08-19 当某人帮你解决了大难题时,你可以说 You are a star! 你简直就是明星! 意思是,你真厉害或你真棒。 例句 The dinner party I invited my boss to was a success thanks to Mary. She cooked the main dish. Shes a star! Ive got so much work to do. Im happy youve...

  • lights up 欣喜

    21-08-17 当某人 lights up, 这意味着他/她看起来很高兴或为什么事情而感到欣喜。 例句 Mum will light up when she realises weve planned a surprise party for her. My grandma would light up when she talked about the olden days. 请注意 另一个字面相似的短语 lighten u...

  • to be a party animal 聚会狂

    21-08-02 Party animal 指那些热衷于参加各种派对和聚会的人。这些聚会通常包括跳舞, 喝酒和社交。 例句 Im not surprised John never makes it to morning lectures. Hes such a party animal, hes out dancing to the early hours most nights. I really enjoyed my time at u...

  • ring around 打一圈电话

    21-08-02 短语 to ring around 指给很多人打电话。 例句 Last Valentines Day, I spent the whole day ringing round all the florists in West London. They had all sold out of red roses! Lets organise a surprise party for Lisa! You ring round her friends and Ill sen...

  • an all-rounder 多面手,全才

    21-07-21 如果某人被形容为 an all-rounder 意思就是他在多方面都很有才华。在谈论体育运动时这就是指全能选手,但这个表达并不局限于体育。 例句 On the football pitch hes a real all-rounder. He can play in attack or defence and hes also a pretty good goalkeeper. Whe...

  • to put your foot in it 说走嘴了

    21-07-21 To put your foot in it 的意思是说走嘴了,结果使得局面变得尴尬或不愉快。也可以用来表示不小心把秘密说了出来。 例句 I really put my foot in it when I asked where his girlfriend was. Id forgotten shed left him. You put your foot in it when you mentioned...

  • drone on 喋喋不休

    21-07-09 表达 drone on 的意思是喋喋不休地说个不停,可想而知,这种说话方式让听者提不起来一点儿兴趣 ,觉得很无聊。Drone on 后面加上and on - drone on and on 可以强调无止境地一直说。 例句 Jenny was droning on about what a great party she put on for her friends....

  • 中国共产党党员总数9514.8万

    21-07-02 中央组织部最新党内统计数据显示,截至2021年6月5日,中国共产党党员总数为9514.8万名,党的基层组织总数为486.4万个。 Membership was 3.5 percent up from the figure reported at the end of 2019, and approximately 20 times more than the figure in 1949 when t...

  • 中国共产党成立100周年庆祝大会在天安门广场隆重举行

    21-07-02 7月1日上午,庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会在北京天安门广场隆重举行。寓意建党百年的100响礼炮创下新中国历次活动之最。空中梯队飞行庆祝表演中,71架战机列阵长空,飞向天安门广场,向党送上生日祝福。 A grand gathering celebrating the centenary of the Communi...

  • 中国共产党成立100周年大会习近平发表重要讲话

    21-07-02 China has realized the first centenary goal -- building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. This means that we have brought about a historic resolution to the problem of absolute poverty in China, and we are now marching in confident st...