• wet blanket 扫兴的人

    21-11-19 如果某人做了一些事情或说了一些话,让其他人无法继续尽兴下去,就可以用搭配 wet blanket 来形容这个人是 扫兴的人。 例句 Lets go to the party dont be a wet blanket! 一起去那个聚会吧!别扫大家的兴。 Hes such a wet blanket. He doesnt make jokes, and takes...

  • 告别时用语

    21-11-01 Ill leave you be. 你继续忙吧。(类似于打扰了,告辞了。) Im off. 我走了。 例句: - Well, its been a great party. Good-bye. Got to go. 派对很棒,我要走了,再见。 - Im off too. Bye. 我也走了。拜拜。 Ive got to dash. 我得闪了。(英国人常说。)...

  • all, everybody/everyone

    21-11-01 单词 all 和 everybody/everyone 都可以用来指 一群人当中的所有人,但它们的用法可不一样!All 可以不加主语单独使用吗? 用法总结 1 用 all 来指代 一群人当中的全部 时,常用结构是 主语 + all + 主要动词。注意,这里的主语不能省略。 I invited some friends to a...

  • 人文知识练习附讲解 9

    21-10-23 1___ Stratford-on-Avon is a famous place where ___ was born. A John Milton B William Shakespeare C Ben Johnson D Thomas Gray 2___ The oldest university in Britain is ___. A Sunday Times B St. Andrews University C Oxford D Edinburgh University 3___ T...

  • 英国概况 8

    21-10-14 1. How many members are there in the House of Commons? A. 650 B. 524 C. 72 D. 651 2. Which of the following people didnt use to be the British Prime Minister? A. Margaret Thatcher B. Winston Churchill C. Horatio Nelson D. John Major 3. By tradition,...

  • 人文知识综合练习 2

    21-10-09 1. The Scotsmen now speak ______. A. English B. Scottish C. Gaelic D. all of the above 2. According to the English law, no person can get married below the age of _____. A. 16 B. 18 C. 20 D. 21 3. The 18th century England is known as the ______ in t...

  • 美国概况 4

    21-10-09 1. How many members are there in the House of Commons? A. 650 B. 524 C. 72 D. 651 2. Which of the following people didnt use to be the British Prime Minister? A. Margaret Thatcher B. Winston Churchill C. Horatio Nelson D. John Major 3. By tradition,...

  • 英帝国的兴衰 2

    21-10-05 1.In the 18th and 19th centuries, the lords had far more influence than it has today and the commons were also really gentry on the edge of aristocracy. 18世纪和19世纪,上议院比今日的影响大的多,并且下议院处于贵族的边缘上,也相当贵气。 2.The chart...

  • 英国概况人文知识 1

    21-10-05 1. Britain was the first country to industrialize because of the following factors except _____. A. Britain was well placed geographically to participate in European and world trade. B. Britain had many rivers, which were useful for transport. C. Br...

  • 英国概况人文知识 2

    21-10-05 1. How many members are there in the House of Commons? A. 650 B. 524 C. 72 D. 651 2. Which of the following people didnt use to be the British Prime Minister? A. Margaret Thatcher B. Winston Churchill C. Horatio Nelson D. John Major 3. By tradition,...