• settle down 安顿下来

    21-04-28 有人享受各处奔波的乐趣,而有的人则渴望安定。搭配 settle down 的常用意思包括 适应新环境,安顿下来;它还可以用来表示 和伴侣一起安定下来,定居某处。在交流中,可以根据自己想表达的具体意思,灵活运用。 例句 My son used to go out and party all the time. It...

  • Fall for someone 迷恋上一个人

    21-04-27 口语搭配 fall for something 的意思是 上当受骗,而 fall for someone 指的则是 爱上、迷恋上一个人,这个说法不仅表示喜欢上一个人,还指 开始对这个人产生了爱意。 例句 They met at a New Years Eve party and fell for each other immediately. 他们在一个新年聚...

  • made up 欣喜不已,兴高采烈

    21-04-24 搭配 made up 可用来描述因发生了好事而 感到非常高兴的、欣喜不已的。Made up 是形容词性短语,所以应该搭配助动词 be 使用,比如:She is made up. 她高兴极了。 例句 James was absolutely made up that his team had won the final! It was the first time in many...

  • compare deals 货比三家

    21-04-21 搭配 compare deals 指的是人们在花钱购买商品前,先从价格、优惠幅度、附带服务等多方面进行对比,从而找到最好的、最合算的一个来购买。这个短语经常出现在谈论网上购物的语境中。 例句 Im trying to book a holiday. Im comparing deals to see which is best. 我想...

  • spring something on someone 冷不防地问某人

    21-04-11 当有人问你或告诉你一件意想不到的事情时,就可以使用表达 spring something on someone(突然告知,冷不丁地问) 来描述这一情况。这件事情通常可能是听讯者不知道的信息或不了解的工作,因此,这个表达多用来描述一个不愉快的意外。 例句 Just as I was leaving the...

  • memorial medals for 50-year Party membership “光荣在党50年

    21-03-21 中共中央办公厅印发了《关于做好光荣在党50年纪念章颁发工作的通知》指出,党中央决定,2021年首次颁发光荣在党50年纪念章。 The Communist Party of China (CPC) will honor its members bearing five decades of Party membership with memorial medals for the firs...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 50

    21-03-20 What totally different feelings did Emma take back into the house from what she had brought out!--she had then been only daring to hope for a little respite of suffering;--she was now in an exquisite flutter of happiness, and such happiness moreover...

  • Emma 爱玛 - Chapter 13

    21-03-17 There could hardly be a happier creature in the world than Mrs. John Knightley, in this short visit to Hartfield, going about every morning among her old acquaintance with her five children, and talking over what she had done every evening with her...

  • 厨师左右为难

    21-03-15 What to cook when you have guests? I always feel like Im walking on eggshells when I have to prepare a dinner party for new friends or people I dont know well. Some eaters are picky and dont like cheese. Others cant stand a particular vegetable. And...

  • Party history learning and education 党史学习教育

    21-03-03 2月20日,党史学习教育动员大会召开。中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在会上强调,学党史、悟思想、办实事、开新局,以昂扬姿态奋力开启全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程,以优异成绩迎接建党一百周年。 The Communist Party of China (CPC) on Feb 20...