• 美国拟向网络零售商征消费税

    13-05-10 本周一,美国参议院以69票支持、27票反对的结果通过了有关征收网购消费税的法案。该法案名为《市场公平法案》,若获众议院投票通过并由总统签署生效,包括哥伦比亚特区在内的45个州将对本州内销售额100万美元以上的网络零售商征收消费税。 The US Senate approved a lo...

  • 中文流行词

    13-04-15 晒工资 wages online exposure 点评:晒工资并非将工资拿到太阳底下去晒,而是将工资条拿到网上去曝光。基于这一意蕴,该词可译为wages online exposure。 背景:《中国青年报》近日所做的民意调查显示,47.5%的人上网看过工资条,37.7%的人愿意本着匿名填写,保证真实...

  • 瑞典某店主设计音乐盒棺材

    13-01-20 瑞典一位音像器材店主设计了一款带有内置扬声器的棺材,扬声器连着远程播放器,逝者的亲友可以随时在网上更新播放器中的曲目。这样不但可以帮助逝者的亲人寄托哀思,也能让逝者在地下继续享受音乐。 A Swedish man has designed a coffin with built-in speakers linke...

  • chatterboxing 看电视发微博

    12-12-18 Chatterboxing means watching a program on television, while talking to others about that program online, normally via a social media platform. Chatterboxing指一边收看某个电视节目,一般通过社交媒体平台跟别人讨论该节目的行为,在中文语境下,可译为看电...

  • 3D软件可精确测量身体尺寸

    12-11-25 英国萨里大学科学家和伦敦时装学院设计专家共同开发的一款3D软件可以根据用户上传的照片精确测量出用户的腰围、臀围、胸围等关键尺寸,以帮助用户选定最适合的服装尺寸。 Online clothes shoppers will be told exactly what size is best for them using new software...

  • 在线视频流质量影响观赏者的行为

    12-11-14 It may seem like common sense that the quality of online video streaming affects how willing viewers are to watch videos at a website. But until computer science researcher Ramesh Sitaraman at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and collaborator...

  • 英译中的词义判断

    12-10-31 译题一:Wal-Mart Stores is taking another swing at the online movie business with the acquisition of Vudu. The retail giant announced the deal on Monday following widespread speculation that an acquisition would be coming soon. Financial terms were...

  • 《卫报》将削减印刷版业务

    12-10-21 The publisher of the Guardian and Observer newspapers is close to axing the print editions of its newspapers, despite the hopes of its editor-in-chief Alan Rusbridger to keep them running for several years. 尽管主编艾伦罗斯布里奇希望可以将印刷版多运...

  • 《新闻周刊》将停发印刷版

    12-10-19 Newsweek, the 80-year-old US current affairs magazine, is to become an online-only publication. 美国80年历史的新闻杂质《新闻周刊》将只发行在线版本。 The high cost of print publishing meant rising costs at Newsweek The last print edition will be on 3...

  • My Cyber Love

    12-10-15 I have frequented the same chat line for more than 3 years now and have made some wonderful online friendships. However, I had become bored with the typical chat and the Internet all together. So, I decided to take a break. After about a week of bei...