• over-connectedness 过度连接

    14-11-11 Over-connectedness refers to the state or condition of having an over-abundance of existing or potential technologically mediated connections to other people and to online resources. 过度连接(over-connectedness)指生活中现有的或潜在可用的、跟别人或...

  • 物联网

    14-10-17 Research to be published in the International Journal of Web-Based Communities suggests that the familiar interfaces of online social networking sites might be adapted to allow us to interact more efficiently with our networked devices such as cars,...

  • 苏士比与易趣共同打造网上拍卖平台

    14-07-15 International art auction house Sotheby's and online marketplace eBay will create a web platform to allow viewers to bid on and buy art. 国际艺术品拍卖行苏士比拍卖行与网上市场易趣将联合创建一个网络平台,供网民拍卖、购买艺术品。 Sotheby's chief opera...

  • 匿名畅游网络的几点建议

    14-07-06 Are you certain your online activities are private? Think again. 你确定你的上网活动是隐私吗?再想一想。 Not only are your surfing sessions tracked by websites, search engines and social networks, but often your Internet provider, Web browser, govern...

  • pared-down service 简化服务

    14-05-23 The hotel is performing its usual role of providing accommodation to CPPCC delegates and offering spaces for related meetings, but this year it is offering pared-down service , in keeping with government orders. 这家宾馆还像往年一样为全国政协委员提...

  • eBay强制用户修改密码

    14-05-22 Online marketplace eBay is forcing users to change their passwords after a cyber-attack compromised its systems. 网上购物市场eBay正强制用户修改密码,因为此前一次网络攻击波及到该公司的系统。 The US firm said a database had been hacked between late Fe...

  • petitioning system 信访制度

    14-03-13 A reform blueprint released by the Party in mid-November stated that the petitioning system would be reformed and the online petitioning system would be set up. 党在11月中旬公布的改革蓝图提出将改革信访制度,并建立网上投诉体系。 State Bureau of Lette...

  • Internet meme 网络迷因

    13-12-24 An Internet meme , is some kind of idea or piece of information that spreads very rapidly across a large number of Internet users. It's a bit like the online equivalent of an inside joke, a fashionable, attention-grabbing concept that a large number...

  • 美国兴起新式约会 费洛蒙约会

    13-11-30 美国纽约、洛杉矶等城市最近兴起了一种名为激素约会的方式,参与约会的单身男女,先不与对方见面,而是闻一下对方的T恤之后,再决定要不要继续下去。据说两人相投的话,他们的气味也会相互喜欢。 Sniff your way to love? Singles who have attended so-called pheromo...

  • 较小城市的消费者更青睐网购

    13-10-25 Question: Who is more likely to buy a Jimmy Choo handbag from net-a-porter.com? 问题:谁更有可能从颇特女士网购一款周仰杰手提包? a) a fashion-savvy office lady in Beijing; or b) a housewife in Zhangye, Gansu province. Surprisingly, the correct answe...