• 调查:英国人上网时间显著增长

    10-05-19 British web users are spending 65% more time online than three years ago, according to a survey of net habits. 一线针对英国网民的调查显示,英国人现在上网的时间比过去三年上涨65%。 Britons spend the majority of their time on social networks The averag...

  • 研究:面对面交流的快乐远超网络社交

    10-05-15 Nothing makes us happier than our families and loved ones, a new study shows, with face-to-face socializing beating reaching out to people online hands down. 一项最新研究显示,家人和爱人是我们最大的快乐之源,面对面的交流给人带来的快乐远超过网络社交...

  • 网上世博会5·1全面上线

    10-05-02 被国际展览局秘书长洛塞泰斯誉为世博会史上革命性创举的网上上海世博会(www.expo.cn)将于5月1日全面上线。上海世博局副局长朱咏雷透露,4月30日晚上11点以后,网上世博会将先于实体世博会全面开馆,网民可以先睹为快。 Expo Shanghai Online, an innovative feature of...

  • 世界地球日来临 绿色环保拍卖隆重举行

    10-04-24 Artists, conservationists, business leaders and film and music stars from around the globe are marking the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day with a Green Auction to benefit the environment. 在世界地球日40周年来临之际,来自世界各地的艺术家、环保主义者、...

  • 第40个世界地球日即将来临

    10-04-23 In recognition of(按照,承认) Earth Day's 40th anniversary, publisher Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. (www.liebertpub.com) will provide complimentary(问候的,称赞的) online access to its journals in the field of sustainability(永久性,持续性) , includi...

  • 韩国儿童或将面临游戏宵禁

    10-04-14 The South Korean government is introducing policies aimed at curbing the amount of time children spend playing online games. 韩国政府欲实行新政策以限制儿童玩网游的时间。 The first involves barring online gaming access to young people of school age b...

  • 《暮光之城》出版番外篇《布里·坦娜短暂的第二生命》

    10-04-04 全球销量超过1亿册的吸血鬼小说《暮光之城》系列将于6月5日出版番外篇《布里坦娜短暂的第二生命》,并将在6月7日到7月5日期间为读者提供免费在线阅读服务。 Stephenie Meyer,whose books have sold some 100 million copies worldwide, will let readers have access t...

  • 环保主义者:因特网威胁到珍稀物种生存

    10-03-22 The internet has emerged as one of the biggest threats to endangered species, according to conservationists who are meeting in Doha, Qatar. 正在卡塔尔首都多哈举行会议的环境保护论者一致认为,因特网的出现成为威胁到濒危物种的最大因素之一。 Japan oppose...

  • 美国减缓对伊朗、古巴和苏丹的制裁

    10-03-09 The US treasury department has eased sanctions on Iran, Cuba and Sudan to help further the use of web services and support opposition groups. 美国财政部减轻对伊朗、古巴和苏丹的制裁,以帮助这些国家使用网络服务和提供对在野党的支持。 Opposition groups...

  • 美国:大龄单身上网求爱日渐流行

    10-01-31 Any lingering stigma about finding true love online seems to be fading, particularly among older adults, researchers found. 一项研究发现,在网上寻找真爱似乎已经不再是一件令人羞愧的事,尤其是对于大龄成年人而言。 Any lingering stigma about finding tru...