• 科学家:网页搜索即将经历一场变革

    11-08-04 A University of Washington computer scientist is calling on the international academic community and engineers working in industry to take a bolder approach when designing how people find information online. In a two-page commentary titled Search ne...

  • 美国新政党“美国人的选择”欲参加大选

    11-07-30 The new political group Americans Elect has quietly been collecting signatures needed for to get on statewide ballots in the 2012 general elections. But the group doesnt plan to run a candidate, and it doesnt have a platform or an ideology. 新生政治...

  • 想网上约会 上传照片有讲究

    11-05-28 More people have ventured into the potentially hazardous waters of online dating than would care to admit - and some of their adventures have been truly hair-raising. 很多人会大胆尝试网上约会这一存在潜在危险的事情而不愿承认,而且其中一些人的网上约会...

  • 轻微的压力对心理影响亦不可小觑

    11-03-24 Even relatively mild(温和的) stress can lead to long term disability and an inability to work, reveals a large population based study published online in the Journal of Epidemiology(流行病学) and Community Health. It is well known that mental he...

  • 雅典当选“最轻浮城市”

    11-03-05 The home of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle is the most flirtatious city of the modern world, a new study showed on Monday. 周一发布的一项新调查显示,苏格拉底、柏拉图和亚里士多德的故乡雅典当选为现代世界中的最轻浮城市。 Athens topped a World Flirtation...

  • 因特网IP地址即将用尽

    11-01-29 The Internet is running out of addresses. 全球互联网IP地址即将用...

  • 青少年上网时间不正常易导致抑郁

    11-01-24 Spending time online is normal behavior for teenagers. But too much Internet use by teens -- or too little, for that matter -- might be related to depression, a new study finds. 虽然上网对于青少年来说是很正常的行为,但是一项新调查发现,上网时间过长...

  • Internet censorship 网络审查

    10-12-22 《中国日报》报道: Microsoft Corp chairman Bill Gates has described Beijing's efforts to censor the Internet as very limited, saying corporations which operate in China should abide by the local law. 微软公司董事长比尔盖茨近日称,中国对互联网的审查...

  • 鼻塞可能是重度哮喘的前兆

    10-12-21 Nasal congestion(鼻塞,鼻充血) can be a sign of severe asthma(哮喘) , which means that healthcare professionals should be extra vigilant(警惕的) when it comes to nasal complaints. Furthermore, more severe asthma appears to be more common than...

  • 细微RNA分子可能是预防早产的关键因素

    10-11-16 Tiny molecules called microRNAs act together with hormones to control the onset of labor, raising the prospect that RNA-based drugs might be able to prevent premature labor, researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center have discovered in a preclini...