09-11-30 Wikipedia has disputed claims that it has lost a huge number of editors that help maintain the online encyclopaedia. 维基百科否认了其失去许多帮忙维持在线百科编辑的传言。 The online encyclopaedia invites anyone to edit entries On 26 November it was r...
09-10-13 Satellite broadcaster Sky is to launch an online music service as it goes head to head with Apple's iTunes. 卫星电视运营商Sky将要发布一项在线音乐服务,与苹果的iTunes齐头并进。 Sky Songs will launch on 19 October Sky Songs will offer customers access...
09-09-07 The battle over Google's effort to digitise the world's books and create a vast online library has intensified. 谷歌欲将世界上的图书数字化并建立一座巨大的在线图书馆的意图非常强烈。 Authors have until Friday to opt out of the $125m settlement the sea...
09-09-07 Shildon in County Durham has been labelled an internet crime hotspot with a higher percentage of fraudulent purchases than anywhere else in the UK. 英国Durham郡的Shildon被冠以互联网犯罪热点地区,该地区的欺诈购买案件比例比世界上任何一个其它地区都要高...
09-09-05 The battle over Google's effort to digitise the world's books and create a vast online library has intensified. 谷歌试图将世界上的图书数字化并建立一座巨大的在线图书馆的意图加强。 One of Google's aims is to bring the world's lost literature back to l...
09-08-30 Nearly half of US employers research the online profiles of job candidates on social networks such as Facebook, MySpace or LinkedIn, according to a new survey. Forty-five percent of the employers surveyed for CareerBuilder.com, the largest US online...
09-08-29 The race is on to get as many people online as possible by 2012, Martha Lane Fox has told the BBC. Martha Lane Fox告诉BBC,2012年以前让尽可能多的人上网的活动已经开始。 Martha Lane Fox is best known as co-founder of LastMinute.com The newly-appointed...
09-08-26 File-sharing website The Pirate Bay (TPB) is back online after its former internet service provider (ISP) was forced to take down the site. 文件共享网站The Pirate Bay在经历之前被因特网服务提供商关闭之后重新上线。 Mr Pandeya says the acquisition of T...
09-08-08 A couple embraces while riding the subway in New York April 22, 2009. New York has been rated the best US city for singles, bumping Atlanta out of the top spot. The Big Apple also edged past Boston, Chicago, Seattle and Washington, D.C., which round...
09-07-29 7月27日,文化部下发通知,要求各地立即查处黑帮主题的非法网络游戏。这是文化部继 《关于加强网络游戏虚拟货币管理工作的通知》后,下发的又一部以规范网游市场为目的的通知。《关于加强网络游戏虚拟货币管理工作的通知》是从经营层面对网游进行监管。而这次的通知则...