• 菲律宾一名空军伞兵在跳伞时身亡

    16-04-08 A Philippine air force paratrooper died on Thursday during a parachute training jump with U.S. troops in northern Philippines, military officials said. 菲律宾军方官员表示,周四在与美军在菲律宾北部进行的一场跳伞训练中,一名菲律宾空军伞兵身亡。 Parach...

  • multi-department structure 多部门制

    16-03-29 China has reorganized its four military headquarters -- staff, politics, logistics and armaments -- into 15 new agencies under the Central Military Commission (CMC). Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, said the multi-department...

  • 厄瓜多尔一架军用飞机坠毁 22人死亡

    16-03-16 A military aircraft crashed in the Ecuadorian province of Pastaza, killing all 22 soldiers on board, military sources said on Tuesday. 周二来自厄瓜多尔军方的消息称,一架军用飞机在帕斯塔萨省坠毁,机上22名士兵全部遇难。 Ecuadorian President Rafael Cor...

  • 朝鲜成功完成核弹头小型化

    16-03-09 North Korean top leader Kim Jong-Un is being quoted saying his country's military scientists have successfully miniaturized a thermo-nuclear warhead. 朝鲜最高领导人金正恩表示,该国军事科学家已成功将一枚热核弹头小型化。 Kim has reportedly made the co...

  • 闹鬼的校舍

    16-02-22 Ever since I can remember I have been sensitive. So it should've been no surprise to me the events that would take place in my early twenties. I am in the military and so, because of this, cannot identify specific locations since this particular inc...

  • 韩国一架军事直升机坠毁 3人死亡

    16-02-15 Three South Korean military personnel have been killed on Monday when their helicopter crashed in the country's east region, Yonhap news agency cited military authorities as reporting. 韩国联合通讯社援引军方报道,本周一一架直升机在东部地区坠毁,三名...

  • 五角大楼支持奥巴马的延迟撤军计划

    15-10-16 The Pentagon has expressed its support for President Obama's announcement to prolong the US military presence in Afghanistan. 美国总统奥巴马宣布美军驻军阿富汗的时间将延长,五角大楼表示支持。 Pentagon spokesman Peter Cook said he was confident that t...

  • 美军向叙利亚反政府组织空投轻武器

    15-10-13 The U.S. military said Monday said it had airdropped small arms ammunition for Syrian rebel groups currently fighting the Islamic State inside Syria. 美国军方周一宣称,他们已向叙利亚国内目前正在同伊斯兰国战斗的反政府组织空投了轻武器。 Spokesman for...

  • 中国马来西亚举行联合海事军演

    15-09-21 The maritime subjects of the China-Malaysia joint military exercise was carried out Sunday in full swing in the designated waters in the Strait of Malacca. 中国与马来西亚开展的以海洋为主题的联合军事演习上周日在马六甲海峡指定海域全面展开。 The armed...

  • military uniform 军服

    15-09-09 Several types of military uniforms were displayed at the rehearsal on Sunday of the military parade which will commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Beijing on Sept 3. 8月23日,多款军服亮相9.3纪念抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜...