• 美国军方降低着装标准

    14-01-23 The US military is easing its uniform rules to allow religious wear including turbans, skullcaps, beards and tattoos, officials have said. 美国军方降低了着装标准,允许佩戴宗教服饰,例如穆斯林头巾、无边便帽、胡须还有纹身。 Sikh soldiers such as Army...

  • 埃及就新宪法举行全民投票

    14-01-14 Egyptians have begun voting amid tight security in a two-day referendum on a new constitution, which could pave the way for fresh elections. 埃及人正在举行一场为期两天的新宪法全民投票,国内戒备森严,这将为新选举铺平道路。 The new charter aims to rep...

  • 刚果民主军队击退数次“恐怖”袭击

    13-12-31 The Democratic Republic of Congo's army has repulsed several attacks in the capital, Kinshasa, by a terrorist group, the government has said. 刚果民主共和国政府称,军队击退了首都金沙萨发生的数起袭击事件,这些袭击是由一个恐怖组织发起。 The state TV h...

  • 埃及宣布穆斯林兄弟会为恐怖组织

    13-12-26 The military-backed interim Egyptian government has declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group. 由军方支持的埃及临时政府宣布穆斯林兄弟会为恐怖组织。 Supporters of Mohammed Morsi have held demonstrations since 3 July The group, whose candidate...

  • 印巴军方首次会面商讨克什米尔问题

    13-12-25 Top Indian and Pakistani military officials have met for the first time in 14 years to discuss ways to ensure peace along Kashmir's de facto border. 印度与巴基斯坦的高层军事官员14年来首次碰面商讨克什米尔边界地区的和平问题。 The disputed Kashmir regi...

  • 美国首次为军犬建立国家纪念碑

    13-11-03 The newly unveiled U.S. Military Working Dog Teams National Monument is seen at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, in San Antonio, Texas October 28, 2013. 为表彰军犬在战时所做的牺牲与贡献,10月28日,美国军方为这些和军人一起出生入死的挚友竖立的首座国家...

  • 澳大利亚军演意外引发山火

    13-10-25 Fire officials defended Australia's defense department on Thursday after investigators revealed a military training exercise ignited the largest of the wildfires that have torn across the nation's most populous state over the past week. 据美国媒体10...

  • 澳洲一架飞机在灭火时坠毁 飞行员丧生

    13-10-24 A plane fighting bushfires in the Australian state of New South Wales has crashed, killing its pilot. 澳大利亚新南威尔士州的一架飞机在对抗森林大火的时候坠毁,飞行员丧生。 The water-bombing plane crashed near Ulladulla, south of Sydney. Meanwhile the...

  • 埃及一座军事情报大楼遭炸弹袭击

    13-10-20 A car bomb has exploded outside a military intelligence building in the Egyptian city of Ismailiya, north-east of Cairo. 埃及城市伊斯梅利亚一座军事情报大楼外围发生一起汽车炸弹爆炸事故。 The Egyptian army said six soldiers were injured in the blast,...

  • 奥巴马讲话 呼吁对叙利亚采取军事行动

    13-09-29 Almost three weeks ago in Syria, more than 1,000 innocent people-including hundreds of children-were murdered in the worst chemical weapons attack of the 21st century. And the United States has presented a powerful case to the world that the Syrian...