• 印尼将军怒摔中国产假手表

    14-05-03 It's not often a four-star general is called to account over the watch on his wrist. But when reporters confronted Gen Moeldoko over his timepiece he displayed no modest pride over a cherished trapping of success. 通常,四星上将不会被要求交代自己手...

  • 巴西虐囚者Paulo Malhaes被谋杀

    14-04-28 A Brazilian former army colonel who admitted torturing and killing political prisoners under military rule up to the 1980s has been found dead. 巴西一位前陆军上校被发现死于家中,他承认在二十世纪八十年代前曾拷问、杀死政治犯。 Paulo Malhaes said he ne...

  • 南苏丹反叛分子发动多起袭击

    14-04-23 Rebels in South Sudan are involved in fierce fighting with the army in several areas of the country, the military spokesman has told the BBC. 烦乱分子在南苏丹多个地区与军队发生激烈的战斗。 There is ongoing fighting in the north-east of Upper Nile St...

  • early-warning plane 预警飞机

    14-03-28 Japan will boost its military spending in coming years, buying early-warning planes , beach-assault vehicles and troop-carrying aircraft, while seeking closer ties with Asian partners to counter China. 日本将在未来几年加大军事开支,购买预警飞机、海...

  • 埃及陆军元帅宣布参加总统竞选

    14-03-27 Field Marshal Abdul Fattah al-Sisi has announced that he has resigned as Egypt's military chief in order to stand for the presidency. 埃及陆军元帅阿卜杜勒法塔赫宣布辞职以参加总统竞...

  • 土耳其击落一架叙利亚飞机

    14-03-24 Turkish forces have shot down a Syrian military jet they say was violating their airspace despite warnings. 土耳其军队击落一架叙利亚军用飞机,称该飞机不顾警告侵犯土耳其领空。 A state-owned Turkish news agency carried pictures it said showed the Syri...

  • 中国财政部公布2014预算计划

    14-03-07 China's Ministry of Finance offered a slew of numbers on Wednesday describing how the country plans to spend its money this year. 中国财政部提供了一系列的数字描述今年全国的财政预算计划。 The 2014 budget will reach an eye-popping 15.3 trillion yuan,...

  • 美国国旗将由本土制造

    14-02-21 Soldiers carry them into battle, fly them high over foreign bases, and triumphantly carry them in processions, but those stars and stripes, until now, have often been made in China. 美军士兵们不仅扛着国旗战斗,这些国旗还高悬在美军驻海外军事基地上,...

  • 奥巴马处理阿富汗战争的方式遭抨击

    14-01-26 Former US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has strongly criticised President Barack Obama's handling of the war in Afghanistan, US media have reported. 美国前国防部长罗伯特盖茨猛烈抨击美国总统奥巴马处理阿富汗战争的方式。 In Duty: Memoirs of a Secre...

  • 朝鲜欲与韩国“和解”

    14-01-24 North Korea has sent an open letter to the South calling for reconciliation and an end to hostile military acts. 朝鲜向韩国递交了一封结束敌对军事行动的和解公开信。 The letter, published in North Korea's state media, comes weeks before South Korea is...