• 中俄双边军事合作加强

    17-06-04 Chinese and Russian officials spoke highly of bilateral military ties on Saturday as they met on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore. 本周六,在新加坡举行的香格里拉对话中,中俄代表高度赞扬了双边军事合作。 The China-Russia comprehen...

  • 中国军事高管呼吁中美加强战略互信

    17-06-04 China and the United States should enhance strategic mutual trust and make greater contribution to peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific and beyond, a senior Chinese military official said on Saturday. 中国一位军事高官周六表示,中国与美国应当加强...

  • 北京军事区将禁止共享单车

    17-05-25 Shared bikes will be banned from military areas in Beijing starting Thursday, a military officer said Wednesday. 本周四起,北京的军事区将禁止共享单车通行。 The off-limits zones include restricted military areas and hospitals, residential areas, and...

  • 朝鲜试射导弹失败

    17-04-17 North Koreas attempted early Sunday to test-fire an unidentified missile on its east coast, which was believed to have failed, South Koreas Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said. 韩国参谋长联席会议透露,周日早些时候朝鲜曾尝试在东海岸试射一枚无法辨认的导...

  • 美军在阿富汗投下最大一颗非核炸弹

    17-04-14 The U.S. military has dropped the largest non-nuclear bomb in Afghanistan on an Islamic State target, the Pentagon said Thursday. 五角大楼周四透露,美军已向阿富汗伊斯兰国某目标区域投下一颗最大的非核炸弹。 U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday gave...

  • 中国顶级军工产品在巴西展览

    17-04-06 The Latin American Aerospace and Defense Exhibition is taking place in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro, attracting defense manufacturers from over 80 countries, showing off their latest military products. 正在巴西里约热内卢举办的拉丁美洲航空航...

  • 《长城》2.17将在美国上映

    17-02-09 After raking in nearly 1.2 billion yuan at the Chinese box office so far, China-US co-production The Great Wall is set for a US release next Friday, February 17, 2017. 中美联合拍摄的影片《长城》将于2月17日下周五在美国上映,该片在中国已收获近12亿元票...

  • 1967年的太阳风暴几乎使美国处于战争边缘

    16-08-11 A solar storm that jammed radar and radio communications at the height of the Cold War could have led to a disastrous military conflict if not for the U.S. Air Forces budding efforts to monitor the suns activity, a new study finds. On May 23, 1967,...

  • 滑雪分类词汇

    16-06-02 Alpine Skiing 高山滑雪 Nordic skiing 北欧滑雪(后脚跟不固定在雪板上的越野滑雪) ski jumping 跳台滑雪 snowboarding 单板滑雪 cross-country skiing 越野滑雪 freestyle skiing 自由式滑雪(没有固定雪槽) classical skiing 传统式滑雪(固定雪槽) downslope sk...

  • military-provided paid service 军队有偿服务

    16-05-16 China said it has begun to halt all military-provided paid services , which analysts said would help prevent corruption and enhance combat capabilities. 中国近日表示将开始暂停所有军队有偿服务,分析人士指出,此举将有助于防止军队腐败,提高作战能力。...