• 北约军队在喀布尔遭炸弹袭击 三人死亡

    14-09-16 At least three coalition soldiers died after a Taliban suicide car bomber rammed into a foreign military convoy in the Afghan capital Kabul, Nato says. 阿富汗首都喀布尔,一辆塔利班自杀式汽车炸弹撞入一列外国军事车队,至少三名联盟士兵遇难。 The blast...

  • 常用军事词汇

    14-09-15 xx军区: xx Military Area Command (MAC) xx省军区:xx Provincial Military Command xx军分区:xx Military Sub-Command 第二炮兵:the Second Artillery Force 预备役部队:the PLA's reserve force 驻港/澳部队:the PLA Hong Kong/ Macao Garrison 武警部队:the A...

  • 美国对索马里沙巴布发动袭击

    14-09-02 The US has carried out a military operation against al-Shabab militants in Somalia, officials say. 美国在索马里展开了一次针对沙巴布武装分子的军事行动。 The Pentagon is assessing the results of Monday's operation before releasing details, a spokesman...

  • 乌俄两国总统将于明斯克举行会谈

    14-08-26 Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is due to take part in talks with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, at a summit in Minsk, capital of Belarus. 乌克兰总统佩特罗波罗申科将与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔普京举行会谈,此次峰会在白俄罗斯首都明斯克举行...

  • 奥巴马讲话 美国当前在伊拉克的行动

    14-08-23 This week, I authorized two operations in Iraq. First, I directed our military to take action to protect our American diplomats and military advisors serving in the city of Erbil. In recent days, terrorist forces neared the city. Thursday night, I m...

  • 帕拉育担任泰国新总理

    14-08-21 Thailand's junta leader Prayuth Chan-ocha has been named the new prime minister of the southeast Asian nation. 泰国军政府领导人帕拉育被任命为新任总理。 The general led the army in the May coup that ousted Yingluck Shinawatra's civilian government Ge...

  • 教皇呼吁朝韩和解

    14-08-18 The Pope has called for reconciliation on the Korean peninsula, on the final day of his visit to South Korea. 教皇弗朗西斯在对韩国进行访问的最后一天呼吁朝鲜半岛的和解。 Koreans, Pope Francis said, should reject a mindset of suspicion and confrontati...

  • 五月泰国军事政变并非提前计划

    14-06-26 A senior Thai general has told the BBC that last month's military coup had not been planned in advance. 泰国一位高层将军向BBC透露,上个月发生的军事政变并非提前计划。 It comes after an opposition leader claimed the army had been discussing overthrowi...

  • 巴基斯坦军方发动空袭 杀死15名激进分子

    14-06-10 The Pakistani military has carried out air strikes in tribal areas in the north-west of the country, killing at least 15 militants, officials say. 巴基斯坦军方对国内西北部部落地区发动空袭,杀死至少15名激进分子。 Karachi airport was damaged by a Tali...

  • 降落伞故障 秘鲁伞兵死里逃生

    14-05-08 A Peruvian air force officer has survived a fall of about 1,500 metres after his parachute malfunctioned during an exercise. 秘鲁空军一名军官在一次跳伞训练中降落伞发生故障,从1500米高空中坠落,死里逃生。 Arnulfo Gamarra had jumped from a military pl...