• 曼德拉肺部感染住院治疗

    13-03-28 Former South African President Nelson Mandela has been re-admitted to hospital with a recurrence of a lung infection. 南非前总统纳尔逊曼德拉因肺部感染复发再次入院。 A statement from the South African presidency said Mr Mandela, 94, had been admitted...

  • 委内瑞拉总统患严重呼吸道感染

    13-03-05 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is suffering from a new, severe respiratory infection following cancer surgery, the government has said. 委内瑞拉政府称,总统乌戈查韦斯正经受癌症手术带来的严重呼吸道感染的折磨。 Many Venezuelans have been demanding f...

  • 美国一早期艾滋病女童被治愈

    13-03-04 A baby girl in the US born with HIV appears to have been cured after very early treatment with standard drug therapy, researchers say. 研究人员称,美国一位先天性艾滋病女童在发现病情之初通过常规药物治疗似乎已被治愈。 The Mississippi child is now two-...

  • 科学家成功解码肺孢子虫的基因组

    12-12-29 Scientists have sequenced the genome of the fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii, an advancement that could help identify new targets for drugs to treat and prevent Pneumocystis pneumonia, a common and often deadly infection in immunocompromised(免疫功能...

  • 弓形虫侵入宿主的途径

    12-12-24 Current thinking on how the Toxoplasma gondii parasite invades its host is incorrect, according to a study published today in Nature Methods describing a new technique to knock out genes. The findings could have implications for other parasites from...

  • 阿桑奇患上慢性肺部感染

    12-11-29 Julian Assange, who is living at the Ecuadorean embassy in London, has a chronic lung infection which could get worse at any moment, the country's ambassador to the UK has warned. 厄瓜多尔驻英国大使警告,朱利安阿桑奇患有慢性肺部感染,情况随时可能恶...

  • 阳光维生素对治疗肺结核有帮助

    12-09-05 Vitamin D could help the body fight infections of deadly tuberculosis, according to doctors in London. 伦敦的医生表示,维生素D可以帮助身体抵御肺结核感染。 Nearly 1.5 million people are killed by the infection every year and there are concerns some c...

  • 英国某女戴隐形眼镜游泳致失明

    12-09-03 A woman lost the sight in one eye after going swimming in a pool at a hotel spa wearing contact lenses. 英国一位女性近日因戴着隐形眼镜在一家宾馆的温泉池游泳,导致一只眼睛失明。 Jennie Hurst, from Southampton, contracted acanthamoeba keratitis - a ra...

  • 印加一具木乃伊死前曾患肺部感染

    12-07-27 A 500-year-old frozen Incan mummy suffered from a bacterial lung infection at the time of its death, as revealed by a novel proteomics(蛋白质组) method that shows evidence of an active pathogenic infection in an ancient sample for the first time....

  • 尿路感染细菌“偷窃”宿主体内铜元素

    12-07-09 Humans have known for centuries that copper is a potent weapon against infection. New research shows that the bacteria that cause serious urinary tract infections know this, too, and steal copper to prevent the metal from being used against them. Bl...