• 艰难梭菌感染可通过治疗降低复发率

    15-05-06 Among patients with Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) who recovered following standard treatment with the antibiotics metronidazole or vancomycin, oral administration of spores of a strain of C difficile that does not produce toxins colonized th...

  • 北美地区发现一种新型农作物病毒

    15-04-13 The switchgrass exhibited mosaic symptoms--splotchy, discolored leaves--characteristic of a viral infection, yet tested negative for known infections. Deep sequencing, a new technology, revealed the plants were infected with a new virus in the genus...

  • 囊性纤维化病人肺部感染时血氧含量降低

    15-03-19 Researchers have defined a new bodily process in mice that may explain why blood oxygen levels are lower for patients with cystic fibrosis when they get a lung infection. Infected areas of the lung are not as capable as healthy tissue at adding oxyg...

  • 新加坡前总理李光耀病情加重

    15-03-17 Singapore's former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew's condition has worsened due to an infection and he is on antibiotics, according to a statement by Singapore's Prime Minister's Office on Tuesday. 新加坡总理办公室周二发布的一份声明称,前总理李光耀病情...

  • 基因多样性能减缓病毒的传播

    14-11-19 When a viral infection spread through five genetically identical mice in a row, the virus replicated faster and became more virulent or severe. But when the infection spread one-by-one through five genetically diverse mice, the virus had trouble ada...

  • 细菌感染现场测试可能减少抗生素使用

    14-11-10 Fast, on-the-spot tests for bacterial infections may help to reduce excessive antibiotic use. A systematic review published in The Cochrane Library, found that when doctors tested for the presence of bacterial infections they prescribed fewer antibi...

  • 细菌如何利用蛋白质造成感染

    14-05-04 New research by scientists at the University of York sheds light on how bacteria exploit human proteins during infections. A research team led by Professor Jennifer Potts, a British Heart Foundation Senior Research Fellow in York's Department of Bio...

  • 海洋细菌可用于治疗葡萄球菌感染

    14-01-13 Aggressive infections are a growing health problem all over the world. The development of resistant bacteria is rampant(猖獗的) and, in the United States, resistant staphylococci(葡萄状球菌) cause more deaths than AIDS on an annual basis. Resear...

  • 细菌影响宿主的进化

    13-07-19 You are not just yourself. You are also the thousands of microbes that you carry. In fact, they represent an invisible majority that may be more you than you realize. These microscopic fellow travelers are collectively called the microbiome. Realiza...

  • 海豚体内发现一种新病毒

    13-07-14 Researchers at the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and colleagues have identified a new virus associated with the death of a short-beaked dolphin found stranded on a beach in San Diego. It i...