• 美洲发现新式寄生虫传染病

    12-06-05 A parasitic infection called Chagas Disease has similarities to the early spread of HIV, according to research published recently in the journal PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 根据《PLoS被忽视的热带疾...

  • 低抵抗力有时更易躲过流行病

    12-04-02 When battling an epidemic of a deadly parasite, less resistance can sometimes be better than more, a new study suggests. A freshwater zooplankton(浮游动物) species known as Daphnia dentifera endures periodic epidemics of a virulent(剧毒的) yeast...

  • 感染引起的失明将出现新疗法

    11-12-22 A UCSF study shows a popular treatment for a potentially blinding eye infection is just as effective if given every six months versus annually. This randomized study on trachoma(沙眼) , the leading cause of infection-caused blindness in the world,...

  • 少量运动可改善老年人记忆力

    11-08-10 A new University of Colorado Boulder study shows that a small amount of physical exercise could profoundly protect the elderly from long-term memory loss that can happen suddenly following infection, illnesses or injury in old age. In the study, CU-...

  • 动物对病毒易感性不同导致感染症状不同

    11-07-01 A new study shows that differences in the vulnerability(弱点) of animals to a virus are crucial to understanding patterns of infection, and that variation in susceptibility to two marginally different viruses increases the number of infections whe...

  • 新生儿唾液试验可检验巨细胞病毒感染

    11-06-02 Although cytomegalovirus(巨细胞病毒) infection is a known cause of birth defects, including permanent hearing loss, most CMV infections in infants are not identified early, when interventions can lessen the effects of hearing loss. Now, Suresh Bop...

  • 沃尔巴克氏菌能杀灭疟原虫

    11-05-20 Wolbachia(沃尔巴克氏体属) are bacteria that infect many insects, including mosquitoes. However, Wolbachia do not naturally infect Anopheles mosquitoes, which are the type that spreads malaria(疟疾) to humans. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Blo...

  • 已感染疟疾可避免二次感染

    11-05-16 A team of researchers have found that pre-existing malaria(疟疾,瘴气) prevents secondary infection by another Plasmodium strain, the parasite responsible for malaria, by restricting iron availability in the liver of the host. This discovery will...

  • 关节更换手术即将应用防感染新方法

    11-02-18 A rinsing(清水,残渣) technique with betadine that costs just a little over one dollar per patient may significantly reduce the infection rate following total knee and hip joint replacement surgery according to a study by researchers at Rush Unive...

  • 耐甲氧西林葡萄球菌寄生在人体何处?

    11-01-06 When methicillin(甲氧西林) -resistant S. aureus (MRSA) is carried in the nose ( nares鼻孔 ), it is a risk factor for an invasive infection, including a surgical site infection. Some studies have found that the heavier the carriage of MRSA in the n...