• 波黑72岁老人为妻子建造旋转房屋

    21-10-13 波黑一位72岁的老人自学成才,用电动机和旧军用运输车的轮子设计建造了一栋旋转房屋,只为让妻子欣赏到不同视角的风景。网友直呼:这是什么极致浪漫! Vojin Kusic built the home in Srbac, northern Bosnia and Herzegovina, for his wife Ljubica, who has a pencha...

  • 美国概况 4

    21-10-09 1. How many members are there in the House of Commons? A. 650 B. 524 C. 72 D. 651 2. Which of the following people didnt use to be the British Prime Minister? A. Margaret Thatcher B. Winston Churchill C. Horatio Nelson D. John Major 3. By tradition,...

  • 英国过渡时期的历史概况 3

    21-10-05 1.Renaissance was the transitional period between the Middle Ages and modern times, covering the years c1350-c1650. In England, the Renaissance was usually thought of as the beginning with the accession of the House of Tudor to the throne in 1485....

  • 英国过渡时期的历史概况 1

    21-10-05 1.The name the Wars of Roses was referring to the battles between the great house of Lancaster, symbolized by the red rose, and that of York, symbolized by the white. 玫瑰战争这个词是指两个家族间的战争,以红玫瑰为标志的蓝凯斯特家族和以白玫瑰为标志的...

  • 英国概况人文知识 2

    21-10-05 1. How many members are there in the House of Commons? A. 650 B. 524 C. 72 D. 651 2. Which of the following people didnt use to be the British Prime Minister? A. Margaret Thatcher B. Winston Churchill C. Horatio Nelson D. John Major 3. By tradition,...

  • The Fox and The Stork 狐狸和鹳

    21-10-04 The stork and the fox did not get along very well. The fox invited the stork over to his house first. The stork was looking forward to having a feast at foxs house. The fox served a large bowl of soup to the stork. Please have as much as you want, M...

  • 英语中副词在句子中的位置

    21-09-25 英语中副词在句子中的位置相对灵活,根据句子结构和副词种类的不同,有些可以用于从句的句首,而有些则应放在句中的动词前,或放在句尾使用。表示频率的常用副词 never、rarely、frequently 和强调程度的副词 incredibly 应该出现在句子中的哪个位置?看下面八道题中列...

  • sky-high 极高

    21-09-10 英语复合词 sky-high 是形容词,表示达到了极高的程度。 例句 Train fares have gone sky-high. I spend half my pay just getting to work! The prime ministers popularity was sky-high after he cut taxes for everybody. Id like to buy a house in the city but...

  • 意大利人打造现实版霍比特村庄

    21-09-10 托尔金的《指环王》故事发生在中土大陆,但是现实版的佛罗多却是一位意大利人。他穿着霍比特人的服饰,住在霍比特人的小屋里,立志打造霍比特村庄,而且刚刚和朋友们一起完成了销毁魔戒之旅。 Nicolas Gentile, a 37-year-old Italian pastry chef, did not just want...

  • brings you back down to earth 回到现实

    21-09-02 某事 brings you back down to earth 的意思就是这件事情使你从幻想中清醒过来,回到现实中。 例句 I was dreaming of a safari holiday in Tanzania to see the elephants, the cheetahs, the hippos then I looked at my bank balance and it brought me back down t...