• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 3

    22-07-13 When they reached the house Mrs. Carey had died init was in a dreary, respectable street between Notting Hill Gate and High Street, KensingtonEmma led Philip into the drawing-room. His uncle was writing letters of thanks for the wreaths which had be...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 2

    22-07-13 It was a week later. Philip was sitting on the floor in the drawing-room at Miss Watkins house in Onslow gardens. He was an only child and used to amusing himself. The room was filled with massive furniture, and on each of the sofas were three big c...

  • 词组是否含有定冠词the意义大不同 上

    22-07-04 1. 词组in the front of和in front of都有在前面的意思,但含义不同。in the front of表示在(范围内的)前面;而in front of表示在(范围外的)前面。如: He likes to sit in the front of the classroom. 他喜欢坐在教室的前排。 There is a pond in front of the h...

  • house与home

    22-07-04 好多人会认为 home等同于 house, 那真的是这样吗? House与home这两个词又应该怎么区别呢?这两个词的意思有一些重叠部分。在区分的时需要记住以下这两点: a house 是一个实际存在的有形房屋; a home 是一个和我们在情感上所连接的地方。 01 house We live in a thre...

  • 被骗了

    22-06-13 1. She has been dumped on too often. 她老是上当受骗。 2. Mary was done brown! 玛丽上当了! 3. He knew hed been tricked/deceived, but it was too late to do anything. 他知道自己被骗了,但是为时已晚。 4. They got taken/was taken in by a scam artist. 他...

  • kill

    22-05-26 1. kill 让某人捧腹大笑;笑得前仰后合 That comedian kills me. 那个喜剧演员真是使我为之倾倒。 We were killing ourselves laughing. 我们快笑死了。 2. kill it 极其擅长某事,在某方面做得极好 Chris kills it on drums. 克里斯打鼓打得极好。 Louise has been ki...

  • 被陨石砸中的狗屋被拍卖

    22-05-20 一大块火星陨石、一些陆续坠落在某座宁静英格兰小镇的太空岩石,还有一间被 天外来客 刺穿的狗屋。这三件物品都会在伦敦拍卖行佳士得( Christies )举办的年度稀有和独特陨石拍卖会上拍卖。 Imagine Rocky the dogs surprise! His neat little house with a big R ove...

  • top-drawer 顶级,一流

    22-05-20 合成形容词 top-drawer 是一个非正式的说法,意思是 最优秀的,顶级的。 例句 That was a top-drawer meal Ill definitely go back to that restaurant again. 那顿晚餐真是一流。我一定会再去那家餐厅用餐。 The singer gave a top-drawer performance. 这名歌手献上...

  • do something by hand 亲自做某事

    22-05-10 Do something by hand Definition: build something on ones own 定义:亲自做某事 He built his house by hand. 他亲自建造了自己的房子。 I created that desk by hand. 我亲手做的这个桌子。...

  • hole up 躲藏

    22-05-07 hole up 躲藏 Hole up in a house somewhere. Disappear for a few weeks. 找栋房子窝着,消失几个礼拜。 Notes:hole up表示躲藏,避难,例句如下: Its snowing heavily. I wanna hole up in my bedroom and finish this novel. 外面雪下得好大。我要窝在卧室里把这本...