• One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 18

    22-10-17 Aureli-ano DID NOT leave Melquades room for a long time. He learned by heart the fantastic legends of the crumbling books, the synthesis the studies of Hermann the Cripple, the notes on the science of demonology, the keys to the philosophers stone,...

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 16

    22-10-17 IT RAINED FOR four years, eleven months, and two days. There were periods of drizzle during which everyone put on his full dress a convalescent look to celebrate the clearing, but the people soon grew accustomed to interpret the pauses as a sign of...

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 14

    22-10-17 Meme had finished her course of study. The diploma that certified her as a concert clavichordist was ratified by the virtuosity with which she executed popular melodies the seventeenth century at the gathering organized to celebrate the completion o...

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 13

    22-10-17 IN THE BEWILDERMENT of her last years, rsula had had very little free time to attend to the papal education of Jos Arcadio, and the time came for him to get ready to leave for the seminary right away. Meme, his sister, dividing her time between Fern...

  • One Hundred Years of Solitude 百年孤独 Chapter 3

    22-10-17 Emancipated for the moment at least from the torment of fantasy, Jos Arcadio Buenda in a short time set up a system of order and work which allowed for only one bit of license: the freeing of the birds, which, since the time of the founding, had mad...

  • Fenty 芬蒂

    22-10-12 本月早期,美国歌手蕾哈娜推出了自有品牌化妆品Fenty Beauty,人们对其品牌的赞颂一直喧嚣尘上。Fenty取自蕾哈娜的姓Robyn Rihanna Fenty。这两周,网上不断传言这位超级巨星还将跨界到护肤品行业,甚至是葡萄酒和烈酒行业,于是社交媒体上充斥着大量的Fenty。 i cant...

  • hothouse 热室

    22-09-27 上周,科学家团队警告说,由于人类的排放,我们正走在热室地球(Hothouse Earth)的发展轨道上,在此各种自我强化的反应比如变暖使得永久冻土覆盖的甲烷得以释放,并导致了进一步的变暖将破坏温度的稳定性,并让我们保持温度的努力付之东流。 单词hothouse是个非常有效...

  • 塌房

    22-09-20 1 house crashed 塌房 house crashed用来表示塌房再形象不过了,这个也是产生在特定的中文语境下的,比如说: - The star is dating with a woman. -这个明星在和一个女性约会。 - OMG, my house has crashed. -天啊,我房子塌了。 2 go public with ones relationship...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 24

    22-09-14 The Sicilian sun, early-morning lemon-colored, filled Michaels bedroom. He awoke and, feeling Apollonias satiny body against his own sleep-warm skin, made her come awake with love. When they were done, even all the months of complete possession coul...

  • The Godfather 教父 Chapter 8

    22-09-14 The day after the shooting of Don Corleone was a busy time for the Family. Michael stayed by the phone relaying messages to Sonny. Tom Hagen was busy trying to find a mediator satisfactory to both parties so that a conference could be arranged with...