• 买单

    21-08-24 01 have/ get the bill 最常用的用法,其他类似表达:pick up the bill; foot the bill。 例句: Can we have the bill please? 麻烦,买单。 02 take the check check在这里指账单的意思,也可以作动词表买单。 例句: Well take the check./ Check, please. 我们买单...

  • donkey work 单调乏味的工作

    21-08-23 那些单调乏味的工作,或者是苦力活儿都可以被称为 donkey work. 例句 I am tired of doing the donkey work while my workmates get all the fun and creative tasks. If you want a promotion, you have to do a lot of donkey work first. 请注意 短语 donkeys years...

  • What's up? 什么事?

    21-08-20 在你问某人发生了什么事或遇到了什么问题的时候就可以说 whats up?。 例句 Whats up? I came to your house to party and everybody is sitting around looking sad. Whats up with Lauren? Shes been acting in a very strange way. 请注意 在美式英语里,whats up?...

  • monkey business 不正当行为

    21-08-17 我们用 monkey business 来描述不正当行为、胡闹。这个短语也能用来表达那些不诚实或违规的行为。 例句 Two policemen showed up on my neighbours doorstep this morning. Ive always suspected theres been some monkey business going on in the house. Stop this m...

  • the writing's on the wall 不好的事情即将发生

    21-08-12 在英语里,the writings on the wall 可以用来比喻不好的事情即将发生。比如,有人要被裁员了、公司要倒闭了等倒霉的事情。 例句 Susie saw the writing on the wall and decided to quit before her company was taken over by the administrators. I should have see...

  • the bare bones 某事或某情况的基本要素

    21-08-05 The bare bones 的意思是某事或某情况的梗概、基本要素、重要部分。 例句 Only the bare bones of the house were left after the tornado. All you could see were the walls and parts of the roof. So far, youve only given me the bare bones of what happened. I...

  • show your face 露面

    21-08-03 Show ones face 的意思是在公共场合露面、露脸,尽管有时你不受欢迎。 例句 How dare you show your face in this restaurant after having left without paying last time you ate here! Mary wasnt keen on leaving her house after her husbands death but we insis...

  • 美剧经典表达 下

    21-07-01 6 Its on the house.这是(本店)免费提供的。 On the house就是give away something for free,免费提供。 例: All beverages are on the house today. 今日所有饮品全都免费供应。 On somebody是某人请客的意思,如果要说请对方吃饭,可以用一个短语:my treat。Treat...

  • 《玩具总动员》第7章

    21-06-23 As Sid leaped off his skateboard and headed up the front path to his house, Buzz peeked out of Sids backpack. Sheriff, Buzz whispered to Woody, who was squeezed in next to him. I can see your dwelling from here. Youre almost home. The squeaky alien...

  • 《玩具总动员》第6章

    21-06-23 Andy? Woody couldnt believe hed been left behind. Desperately, he ran after the van, but he couldnt catch up. Doesnt he realize Im not there? Woody cried. Im lost! Im a lost toy! Behind him, Buzz flipped open his wrist communicator. Buzz Lightyear M...