• dash ahead regardless of one's safety 奋不顾身

    22-05-06 奋不顾身,汉语成语,指振作起来奋勇前进,不顾及生命。可以翻译为dash ahead regardless of ones safety等。 例句: 消防员奋不顾身地返回那座房子。 The firefighters went back into the house with scant regard for their own safety....

  • 12个和yourself相关的搭配 上

    22-04-02 1. be yourself 行为自然;不做作 The best thing you can do is to go into the interview and just be yourself. 你最明智的选择就是进去面试时自然地表现自己。 2. (all) by yourself 独自地 Im amazed you managed to move those boxes all by yourself. 你居然能...

  • take precautions beforehand 未雨绸缪

    22-03-23 未雨绸缪,汉语成语,意思是趁着天没下雨,先修缮房屋门窗(repair the house before it rains)。比喻事先做好准备工作,预防意外的事发生(take precautions beforehand,provide against the future,save (something) for a rainy day)。 例句: 我打算未雨绸缪,...

  • An Ode to Summer...

    22-03-09 Bless this house, oh Lord, we cry. Please keep it cool in mid-July. Bless the walls where termites dine, while ants and roaches march in time. Bless our yard where spiders pass fire ant castles in the grass. Bless the garage, a home to please carpen...

  • at sixes and sevens 杂乱无章

    22-03-03 杂乱无章,汉语成语,意思是乱七八糟,没有条理。可以翻译为disorganized,chaotic或 in a mess/muddle等,也可以用英文习语at sixes and sevens表示。 例句: 他的讲话杂乱无章,毫无条理。 He made a disorganized and rambling speech. 他们刚搬进新房子时,一切都...

  • slap together 草率仓促地建造;拼凑

    22-02-28 slap together的意思是草率仓促地建造;拼凑: 临时抱佛脚还可以说:swot up,尤指在考试前刻苦学习,用功学习。 Shes at home, swotting up on her maths. 她在家埋头复习数学。 slap相关的短语还有slap sth on也有胡乱随意的意思,形容(随便地)涂上一层,撒上一层...

  • grocery store 超市

    22-02-15 一直以为超市就是supermarket,直到去了美国后发现,老外从来不说supermarket这个词!那是什么呢?今天就来带大家一探究竟! 美国人管超市叫grocery store,或者就直接说超市的名字,比如Walmart(沃尔玛),Costco(好士多), Sams Club(山姆)。这些超市我们国内也有...

  • 邀请客人

    22-02-15 H: Hi, Stella. Hows everything going? G: Quite good. What about you? H: Terrific! You see, John and me have just moved to a new house. We are throwing a house-warming party this evening. Would you like to come? G: Of course Ill come. I wont miss it...

  • 如何才能保持好心情?

    22-01-26 1. KEEP FRESH FLOWERS AROUND THE HOUSE 室内放鲜花 Its a small thing, but a house with fresh blooms just has a way of livening up the spaceand your mood. Plus, it doesnt have to break the bank. Whether its one or two stems (minimalist vibes), a bunch...

  • storm out 怒气冲冲地夺门而出

    22-01-25 storm out形容怒气冲冲地夺门而出,因为在这里storm形容大发雷霆,暴怒,咆哮。 He stormed out of the house, slamming the door as he went. 他气呼呼地冲出房子,砰地关上了门。...