• auto-eating 机械进食

    11-05-24 Women can munch their way into a bigger dress size in weeks by auto-eating the calorie equivalent of a Big Mac a day.... 如果每天机械地吃进去相当于一个巨无霸汉堡那么多的热量,女人们的身材可以在几周内就加大一号。 Nutritionist Mary Strugar coined the...

  • Seeds of Hope

    11-05-20 What do you need to create a green revolution in Africa? Women and fertilizer Walk through countless small villages in sub-Saharan Africa, and you will find the same scene repeated again and again: women bent over double, hoeing scrawny(骨瘦如柴的...

  • 孕妇接触双酚A将增加婴儿哮喘危险

    11-05-02 If a pregnant woman is exposed to bisphenol A (BPA), especially during the first trimester(三个月) , her child may be at higher risk of wheezing(哮喘) early in life, according to a study to be presented Sunday, May 1, at the Pediatric Academic S...

  • 物价上涨将阻碍亚洲经济发展

    11-04-26 Soaring food and fuel prices are threatening to derail growth in Asian economies, according to a report by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). 亚洲发展银行的一份报告显示,不断增长的食品价格和油价正在威胁亚洲经济的发展。 The bank has warned that if foo...

  • 致病性病原体快速检测法问世

    11-04-13 You can't see them, or smell them or taste them. They can be in our water and in our food, multiplying so rapidly that conventional testing methods for detecting pathogens(病原体) such as E.coli, Salmonella and Listeria come too late for the tens...

  • 大豆异黄酮对乳腺癌患者无害

    11-04-06 Soy food consumption did not increase the risk of cancer recurrence(再发生,循环) or death among survivors of breast cancer, according to the results of a study presented at the AACR 102nd Annual Meeting 2011, held April 2-6. Researchers investiga...

  • 韩国三月通货膨胀达新高

    11-04-01 South Korea's inflation rate hit a 29-month high in March as higher fuel and food costs continue to push consumer prices. 韩国三月份通货膨胀率达最近29个月以来最高点,高额的油价和食品价格不断推动商品价格的增长。 Rising food costs are threatening grow...

  • 东京自来水已“不适合婴儿饮用”

    11-03-23 Officials in Toyko say that radiation levels in the city's tap water make the water unfit for babies to drink. 东京官员称,东京城内自来水的辐射水平已使其不适宜婴儿饮用。 Iodine(碘) levels in some areas are twice the recommended safe level. The aut...

  • 日本对核泄漏地区生产的食品进行限制

    11-03-23 Japan has announced new restrictions on food from areas affected by radiation leaks from its stricken nuclear plant. 日本政府宣布对受核辐射影响的地区所生产的食品进行限制。 Works at the Fukushima Daiichi plant are spraying water on the damaged reacto...

  • 政协委员建议建立餐厨垃圾管理体制

    11-03-20 此次全国两会上,部分政协委员建议应尽快立法管理餐厨垃圾,在制度上使其变废为宝。民建中央委员、海南省主委施耀忠介绍,根据清华大学的统计,我国城市餐厨垃圾年产生量不低于6000万吨,这些垃圾处理不到位,会对市民的健康产生影响。 Rotten potatoes and unwanted c...