• 印度大象也享有“假期”

    11-07-17 在印度喀拉拉邦,大象在寺庙工作几个月后将被送去度假。在一个月的假期里,它们可以尽情放松身心,在池塘里享受SPA水疗的乐趣,还可以享用各种食物并品尝专家特制的营养餐,以帮助其恢复体力并为下一阶段的工作做好准备。 Indian elephants from a Hindu temple in Ker...

  • 洋葱干表皮另有妙用

    11-07-15 More than 500,000 tonnes of onion waste are thrown away in the European Union each year. However, scientists say this could have a use as food ingredients(食品添加剂) . The brown skin and external layers are rich in fibre and flavonoids(黄酮类)...

  • 食肉动物缺失打乱生态平衡

    11-07-15 The decline of large predators(捕食者) and other apex(顶点) consumers at the top of the food chain has disrupted ecosystems all over the planet, according to a review of recent findings conducted by an international team of scientists and publis...

  • 改善土豆块茎的口味

    11-07-12 By honing in on the mysterious potato genome and its tuber(块茎) its edible(可食用的) portion researchers are unveiling the secrets of the world's most-important nongrain food crop. Robin Buell, Michigan State University plant biologist, is part...

  • 雀巢欲以16亿美元购买徐福记60%股份

    11-07-11 Food giant Nestle has taken a big step towards expanding its operations in China, one of the world's biggest consumer markets. 食品业巨头雀巢向着扩大中国市场一个世界上最大的消费者市场迈进了一大步。 It has agreed to buy a 60% stake in the Chinese swe...

  • 英国将向埃塞俄比亚提供食物援助

    11-07-04 The UK has pledged 38m ($61m) in food aid to drought-hit Ethiopia - enough to feed 1.3m people for three months. 英国承诺向遭受干旱的埃塞俄比亚提供3800万英镑的食物援助这将足以解决130万人三个月的温饱。 International Development Secretary Andrew Mitch...

  • 20国集团将处理食品涨价问题

    11-06-22 Agriculture ministers from the G20 nations are meeting in Paris, in an attempt to tackle volatile food prices. 来自20国集团的农业部长将汇聚巴黎,试图解决疯涨的食品物价问题。 The meeting comes a day after the World Bank unveiled a new measure to prov...

  • 美国儿童食物过敏日趋普遍

    11-06-21 ChicagoA national study of food allergies in the US, the largest of its kind, finds that more children have food allergies than previously reported. The study, published in the July issue of Pediatrics(小儿科) , and headed by Ruchi Gupta, MD, MPH,...

  • 东非面临食品安全危机

    11-06-08 The world's worst food security crisis is continuing in the eastern Horn of Africa, a US agency has warned. 一家美国机构警告道,非洲之角东部地区面临世界上最差的食品安全危机。 The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (Fewsnet) said areas of particula...

  • 铜对大肠杆菌新分枝有抑制作用

    11-06-03 As the World Health Organisation suggests the E. coli outbreak in Germany is a strain never before seen in an outbreak O104:H4 laboratory science conducted at the University of Southampton indicates a role for copper in preventing the spread of such...