• 虚拟食品同样可对饮食失调患者造成压力

    10-07-06 Food presented in a virtual reality ( VR虚拟现实 ) environment causes the same emotional responses as real food. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access(开放存取,开架阅读) journal Annals of General Psychiatry compared the responses of...

  • 苏丹大批难民面临粮食短缺问题

    10-06-29 Thousands of Sudanese are being forced to leave their homes and walk for days into an area already severely affected by food shortages. 成千上万的苏丹人被迫离开他们的家乡,步行数日来到一个已经被粮食短缺严重影响的地区。 Some 14,000 members of the Lou...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition 2

    10-06-27 And we have some communities that dont have access to that fresh produce(农产品,产品) and those fresh vegetables. We are dealing with millions of people living in food deserts. And many parents are just overworked -- theyre juggling(杂耍,欺骗)...

  • 饥饿素荷尔蒙可增加进食高热量食物的欲望

    10-06-22 The hunger hormone ghrelin(胃饥饿素) , which acts in the brain to stimulate hunger and increase food intake(食物摄取,进食) , heightens the appeal of high-calorie foods over low-calorie foods, according to a study that will be presented Tuesday...

  • 奥巴马演讲 白宫国会野餐上的讲话

    10-06-14 Hello, everybody! (Applause.) Well, hows the food? (Cheers and applause.) We could not have a more beautiful day for this annual picnic, and we are just thrilled(兴奋的,激动的) that all of you had a chance to get over(获得,得到). I know that f...

  • 第一夫人演讲 "厨师进学校"3

    10-06-13 You can make a salad bar fun -- now, thats something -- and delicious. You can teach kids to cook something that tastes good and is good for them; and share your passion for food in a way thats truly contagious(蔓延的,感染性的) . Let me tell you...

  • 第一夫人演讲 "厨师进学校"2

    10-06-13 And were also working on the other end of the spectrum. Theres food, and theres movement. Thats what the Lets Move! piece is about. We need to make sure that our kids are getting the physical activity that they need to stay healthy. The recommendati...

  • 第一夫人演讲 "厨师进学校"1

    10-06-13 MRS. OBAMA: Thank you, everyone. Good afternoon. So is it hot enough? (Laughter.) We planned this especially. Lots of sun, no breeze, got you in your whites and hats. Were going to bring you out scarves(围巾,领巾) and mittens(手套) and boots so...

  • 美国女子欲成为最胖女人

    10-06-12 A New Jersey woman is waging a campaign to become the world's heaviest living woman, admitting that she is as hungry for attention as she is for calorie-rich food. 美国新泽西州的一名女子正努力把自己打造成为世界上最胖的女人,并坦称自己对出名的渴望丝...

  • 午夜零食严重损害牙齿

    10-06-02 Eating food in the middle of the night can seriously damage your teeth, experts warn. 专家警告,在午夜吃东西可严重损伤牙齿。 Midnight snacks may stick to the teeth for longer, experts suspect Researchers have found midnight snacking ups the risk of...