• 利用基因定序法评估某肉毒杆菌

    11-03-08 Scientists on the Norwich Research Park have sequenced the genome of a novel strain of Clostridium botulinum(肉毒杆菌) , one of the most dangerous pathogens known to man. The strain produces an unusual botulinum neurotoxin(神经毒素) , known as t...

  • 手术减肥法适应于成人

    11-03-06 Bariatric surgery refers to several different surgical procedures designed to assist weight loss by limiting the amount of food someone eats or the amount they absorb during digestion(消化,领悟) . It has been used for several years to treat obesi...

  • G20峰会将着重解决物价上涨问题

    11-02-18 The G20 begins a two-day meeting on Friday against a background of rising food and commodity prices. 本周五,20国集团就不断上涨的食品和商品价格问题进行为期两天的会议。 What to do about the rising price of basic goods like food is likely to preoccupy...

  • 世界银行:食品价格处于“危险水平”

    11-02-16 The World Bank says food prices are at dangerous levels and have pushed 44 million more people into poverty since last June. 世界银行称,食品价格处于危险水平,自去年六月起已经使4400多万人陷于贫困中。 Food prices are close to record levels according...

  • 联合国:世界食品价格创新高

    11-01-06 Global food prices rose to a fresh high in December, according to the UN's Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO). 联合国粮食与农业组织称,12月份全球食品价格达到新高。 Its Food Price Index went above the previous record of 2008 that saw prices spa...

  • 3D食物打印机问世

    10-12-28 Feel like eating a hamburger? Or would you rather have a pizza? No problem, the 3D food printer will create anything you want, literally at the click of a button. 想吃汉堡包?还是匹萨饼?都没问题,只须按下按钮,3D食物打印机就可以做出你想要的任何美味...

  • 纳米材料广泛存在于生活环境之中

    10-12-16 The manufacturing of nanomaterials has been steadily on the rise in the medical, industrial, and scientific fields. Nanomaterials are materials that are engineered to have dimensions less than 100 nanometers and have very unique properties as a resu...

  • 褐鲑鱼也各有性格

    10-12-07 Personality is not just a feature unique to humans and pets. Scientists at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) have revealed that also brown trout(褐鲑鱼) have individual characters and show different personalities. Researcher Bart Adriaenssens...

  • 奥巴马演讲 我是中等健康的人

    10-11-29 THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody. Everybody have a seat. First of all, let's give thanks that it's not raining, because we thought it might be and we were worried that Bobby would be sending smoke into the White House. But it's a beautiful day. I wan...

  • 恐龙灭绝后 哺乳动物体型迅速增大

    10-11-26 Researchers demonstrate that the extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago made way for mammals to get bigger - about a thousand times bigger than they had been. The study, which is published in the prestigious(有名望的) journal Science, is the...