• 食物储备影响灰松鸟能否安全过冬

    11-10-09 A new University of Guelph study shows that gray jays(松鸟) hoping to survive and reproduce through Canada's harsh winters need to be able to store food in the right kinds of trees. The study appears in Oecologia and was co-authored by Prof. Ryan...

  • 世界最古老神庙并非完全用于祭祀

    11-10-09 Ancient structures uncovered in Turkey and thought to be the world's oldest temples may not have been strictly religious buildings after all, according to an article in the October issue of Current Anthropology. Archaeologist(考古学家) Ted Banning...

  • 错误的记忆也有有利影响

    11-10-06 False memories tend to get a bad rap, says developmental psychologist Mark L. Howe, of Lancaster University in England. Indeed, remembering events incorrectly or remembering events that didn't happen can have grave consequences, such as the criminal...

  • 《弱点》三

    11-09-19 精彩对白 Leigh Anne Tuohy: Have a great day. Learn something! Don't get your panties in a wad . Woman with red hair: The best part about Paris was the food. They use sauce like we use gravy . I had to join a gym the day I got back. Leigh Anne Tuohy:...

  • 日本七月份商品价格上涨

    11-08-28 Consumer prices in Japan rose unexpectedly in July due to higher energy costs. 受能源价格上涨的影响,日本七月份商品零售价意外增长。 Core consumer prices, which do not include the price of food, rose 0.1% from the same month last year, official figur...

  • 芫荽油能治疗食物中毒和抗药性感染

    11-08-25 Coriander(芫荽) oil has been shown to be toxic to a broad range of harmful bacteria. Its use in foods and in clinical agents could prevent food-borne illnesses and even treat antibiotic-resistant infections, according to the authors of a study pub...

  • 美国微生物学家发现超强天然防腐剂

    11-08-21 美国明尼苏达大学的微生物学家近期发现了一种超强天然防腐剂,能够杀灭各类细菌,使食物在常温下也能保存很久。 Fresh food could be made to last for years after scientists discovered a natural preservative(防腐剂) capable of destroying a whole class of b...

  • 加纳11岁男学生为索马里饥荒募捐

    11-08-11 An 11-year-old Ghanaian schoolboy has so far raised more than $500 (300) for victims of the famine in Somalia. 加纳一名11岁的男学生已为索马里饥荒受灾群众募集到500多美元善款。 Andrew Andasi (L) met WFP representative Ismail Omer to ask for advice And...

  • 林鼠如何对付植物毒素

    11-08-10 Life is tough for woodrats in deserts of the U.S. Southwest. There are few plants for food, and those plants produce poison to deter rodents(啮齿动物) , insects and other animals. A new University of Utah study shows how certain woodrats put thems...

  • 世界粮食署向索马里空运食品

    11-07-28 The UN's World Food Programme (WFP) has begun to airlift emergency food supplies to famine-struck Somalia. 世界粮食计划署开始向被饥荒困扰的索马里空运救灾食品。 The first flight, with 10 tonnes of nutritional supplements for children, has landed in t...