• 陌生人寄来的小幸运

    21-10-24 When I was younger, I always knew my parents had trouble with money. 当我是个孩子的时候,我知道父母经常缺钱用。 We would go to yard sales all the time, 我们总是买邻居转卖的二手物品 buy everyday supplies at Dollarama 日常用品都是从二手商店买来的 and...

  • 波黑72岁老人为妻子建造旋转房屋

    21-10-13 波黑一位72岁的老人自学成才,用电动机和旧军用运输车的轮子设计建造了一栋旋转房屋,只为让妻子欣赏到不同视角的风景。网友直呼:这是什么极致浪漫! Vojin Kusic built the home in Srbac, northern Bosnia and Herzegovina, for his wife Ljubica, who has a pencha...

  • 用来描述“家庭关系”的词汇

    21-10-02 家是我们的心灵港湾和情感归宿。我们对身边的家人大都无比熟悉,你了解不同辈分的家人的英语称谓吗?通过做英语小测验,来学习描述家庭关系的词汇。 1. Brothers and sisters are called ______. a) quislings b) siblings c) changelings d) twinlings 2. Which word...

  • 国家助学贷款额度提高

    21-09-16 近日,财政部、教育部、人民银行、银保监会联合印发《关于进一步完善国家助学贷款政策的通知》。 Undergraduate students can apply for a maximum of 12,000 yuan in loans per person each year starting from this fall semester, according to the notice. Postgra...

  • 人口计生法修改 一对夫妻可以生育三个子女

    21-08-24 8月20日,十三届全国人大常委会第三十次会议审议通过了关于修改人口与计划生育法的决定,这一决定自公布之日起施行。 The revised Population and Family Planning Law allows couples in China to have three children. 修改后的人口计生法规定一对夫妻可以生育三个子...

  • 《神探夏洛克》女房东因病去世

    21-08-16 据英国媒体报道,曾因出演《神探夏洛克》的女演员尤娜斯塔布斯因病去世,享年84岁。斯塔布斯在20世纪60年代成名,她近年来最为观众所熟知的角色是在《神探夏洛克》中饰演女房东哈德森太太。 Actor Una Stubbs, known for her roles in TV series such as Worzel Gummid...

  • 世界最高沙堡在丹麦揭幕

    21-07-09 日前,世界最高沙堡在丹麦揭幕,这座打破吉尼斯世界纪录的沙堡高达21.16米,城堡顶端是一个戴着王冠的新冠病毒模型,象征着新冠病毒主宰了世界。 The worlds tallest sandcastle has been completed in Denmark, towering more than 20 metres high and comprising nea...

  • grit one's teeth 咬紧牙关

    21-07-06 英语表达grit ones teeth除了指一个人由于生气而咬牙切齿,还可以指人们在碰到困难或麻烦时,咬紧牙关,依然下定决心接受困难的态度。 例句 I gritted my teeth and finished eighth in the 10000 meter run. It was my personal best. 我咬紧牙关跑完了1万米,最后拿...

  • 研究:男性生男生女的倾向遗传自父母

    21-06-28 A Newcastle University study involving thousands of families is helping prospective parents work out whether they are likely to have sons or daughters. 英国纽卡斯尔大学一项有千万家庭参与的研究能够帮助准父母预测孩子性别。 The work by Corry Gellatly,...

  • to be footloose and fancy-free 自由自在 无拘无束

    21-06-16 我们常说,小孩子们是天真烂漫、自由自在的。表达 to be footloose and fancy-free 形容人了无牵挂、自由自在,不承担家庭或感情上的责任和义务。其中,形容词 footloose 和 fancy-free 是同义词,意思都是 自由自在的,无拘无束的。 例句 Enjoy being footloose and f...