• 《灰姑娘》第3章

    22-12-20 A short while later, the newly combined family made its way into the drawing room. How long has your family lived here? Drisella asked, running a finger along the fireplace mantel and checking it for dust. Over two hundred years, Ellas father replie...

  • 高通胀给美国购物季蒙上阴影

    22-12-19 据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)12日报道,高通胀给美国购物季蒙上阴影,随着物价上涨和社会对经济衰退的担忧,美国民众的消费意愿受到严重影响,许多人计划减少开支,节俭度日。 Anya Remy, a human resources professional in Maryland, has felt the pain of high infl...

  • draw的三个用法

    22-12-06 相信不少英语初学者都知道,draw 作动词时可表示 画画。Draw 作动词时,还能用来表示 吸引注意,引起兴趣。作名词用时,它可以指 平局。 用法总结 1 Draw 作动词,表示 绘画,画。 My cousin drew our family using different coloured pencils. The student drew a ci...

  • with常见用法

    22-12-05 1 用 with 表示 和(其他人或事物)一起,一同。 I ate my lunch with Phil. I love to be with my family. 2 用 with 表示 用、使用(工具)做某事。 She cut the paper with scissors. I edited this photo with an app. 3 用 with 说明 (做事方式)带着。 She stoo...

  • 《恐龙当家》第22章

    22-11-09 As the sun set over the snow-capped peaks of Clawtooth Mountain, the familys silo stood proudly in front of the farmhouse. A fifth stone with a mud footprint had been put up among the four others, making it complete. Arlo had earned his place there,...

  • 《恐龙当家》第20章

    22-11-09 After a much needed rest, the next morning brought clear skies and a renewed sense that everything was going to be okay. Spot rode on Arlos back, and Arlo walked confidently, feeling proud that they had made it through the terrible storm. Ow-ooooooo...

  • 《恐龙当家》第6章

    22-11-07 After that day, everything changed. The family worked hard, trying to keep up with the endless tasks that were necessary to maintain the farm. But as winter approached, they were falling behind. Momma was exhausted and many of the fields were left f...

  • 《恐龙当家》第3章

    22-11-03 By the time they were ten years old, Libby and Buck both had their marks on the silo. Libby could plow nice, straight lines and made her mark when she plowed an entire field. Buck was super strong and was able to lift heavy things. He made his mark...

  • 结识新朋友

    22-10-24 很多人说,因为有了朋友生活才更为精彩。不过如何迈出交友的第一步,以得体的英语表达方式去和陌生人沟通呢?《英语小测验》来助你一臂之力! 1. When meeting new people you can ask questions about their lives. Like this: Where were you __________? a) brought...

  • lady-friendly 女士友好型

    22-09-29 百事公司首席执行官卢英德(Indra Nooyi)在近期一档博客采访中展示男性和女性在消费百事公司旗下的脆片产品多力多滋明显的不同方式时,有些失言。卢英德说女性不喜欢在公共场合大声地嘎吱嘎吱嚼薯片。她们也会介意舔手指,或把剩余的碎渣倒在嘴里吃。为了解决这些吃零...