• 《头脑特工队》第18章

    22-09-06 Chapter 18 In her quiet, empty bedroom, Riley pulled her books out of her backpack and picked up her clothes, ready to pack them in her bag. Then she paused and her expression changed. Fear was driving. Are we really doing this? I mean, this is seri...

  • 《头脑特工队》第9章

    22-09-02 Chapter 9 Joy and Sadness gazed down over the edge of the cliff at the endless drop below. They couldnt believe it: a huge hollow space hung where Goofball Island used to be. The island had completely disappeared. Sadness was immediately worried. We...

  • 怀孕

    22-08-15 英语中直接表达怀孕的词是pregnant,不过在大多数情况下,对于女性怀孕也不会直接说pregnant这个字,而是绕着弯子说,好比中文里我们用有了来指代怀孕。 英语里谈到怀孕可以这样说:She is expecting(她在待产中);She is in a delicate condition(她正怀孕中);She is...

  • 10个有关金钱的表达 上

    22-08-02 1. Break the bank to use up all of your money 倾家荡产 例句: John knew that renting the ocean view apartment would break the bank, so he settled for a smaller apartment. 约翰知道租一个滨海公寓会花光他所有的钱的,所以他选择了一个小点的公寓安定下来。...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 79

    22-07-22 Philip went up to London a couple of days before the session began in order to find himself rooms. He hunted about the streets that led out of the Westminster Bridge Road, but their dinginess was distasteful to him; and at last he found one in Kenni...

  • Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 33

    22-07-18 Philip could not get Miss Wilkinsons story out of his head. It was clear enough what she meant even though she cut it short, and he was a little shocked. That sort of thing was all very well for married women, he had read enough French novels to kno...

  • bed of roses 称心如意的境遇

    22-06-22 1. Bed of roses 意思是称心如意的境遇,美好、理想的安乐窝(everything seems to be wonderful)。 例如: Life is not always a bed of roses. 生活未必都是称心如意的。 2. Blue blood 指有钱人或出身富家的人(rich or wealthy people)。 例如: Mr. Lin comes from...

  • 祝贺别人的宝宝降生

    22-06-09 1. Congratulations for the new baby! 祝贺喜添丁! 2. Congratulations on the new addition to your family. 祝贺你们家喜添...

  • “有钱”的各种表达

    22-06-07 1. Affluent、well-off等是比较常用的表达: Her family was very well-off. 她的家庭非常富有 I heard that she has a wealthy uncle. 我听说她有个非常有钱的叔叔。 He is becoming more and more affluent. 他越来越有钱了。 2. 也有不太礼貌的表达: He inherited...

  • 常见委婉语——怀孕

    22-05-24 1. expect 即期待婴儿出生。 His wife is expecting. 他妻子怀孕了。 She is expecting in March. 她预产期是三月。 2. have a bun in the oven 烤箱里有面包了。英式英语,诙谐用法。 Have you heard that Katy has a bun in the oven? 你听说没,凯蒂有啦? 3. in th...