• 中国科学家研发虚拟核电站

    19-05-10 Chinese scientists have developed a virtual nuclear power plant within a digital society, a software program to help evaluate the safety and efficiency of nuclear energy systems. 中国科学家研发出一套虚拟核电站,一个帮助评估核能系统的安全与效能的软件...

  • 中国与伊朗的合作应得到尊重与保护

    19-04-24 Chinas cooperation with Iran is legitimate, and must be respected and protected, said Geng Shuang, a spokesperson for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, on Tuesday. 中国外交部发言人耿爽周二表示,中国与伊朗的合作是合法的,理应得到尊重和保护。 On Monday, t...

  • 2019起海南公务新车需用清洁能源

    19-03-14 Chinas southernmost island province of Hainan requires all new vehicles for official business to use clean energy from 2019. 海南省政府要求2019年起所有公务用新车都要使用清洁能源。 The provincial government offices administration said Wednesday that...

  • 2030年海南将禁销燃油汽车

    19-03-06 Authorities in the southern Chinese island province of Hainan is set to completely prohibit the sale of fossil-fueled vehicles by the end of 2030. 海南省将在2030年前全面禁止销售燃油汽车。 Hainan will become the first province in China to roll out a...

  • 中国公布电动汽车能耗技术标准

    19-02-19 China has unveiled the worlds first technical standards on the energy consumption of electric vehicles (EV). 中国公布世界首个电动汽车能源消耗的技术标准。 The national standards specify energy-consumption limits for different types of EVs. China is t...

  • 气候变化使海浪更强力

    19-01-17 The ocean waves are getting stronger as a result of climate change, which might pose dangers for coastal communities in the future, according to a latest study published in the scientific journal Nature. 科技期刊《自然》上发表的最新研究显示,海浪因...

  • 吉利与宁德时代合资建电池厂

    18-12-25 Chinese carmaker Geely Automobile Holdings Limited has reached an agreement to set up a battery joint venture with the countrys leading lithium battery producer Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL). 吉利汽车控股有限公司与国内领先的锂电...

  • 吉利汽车11月销量增长10%

    18-12-10 Chinese carmaker Geely saw total sales volume of 141,661 units in November, up 10 percent month on month. 吉利汽车11月总销售量141661,月环比增长10%。 In the first 11 months, Geely sold 1,407,505 cars, an increase of 29 percent year on year. It aims...

  • 世界首艘天然气破冰船在广州下水

    18-12-05 The worlds first liquid natural gas (LNG) carrier designed to traverse the worlds icy northern polar region was launched on Tuesday by Guangzhou Shipyard International Co. Ltd. for Dynacom of Greece. 世界第一艘用于穿越北极的液化天然气运输船周二下水...

  • 习近平普京向中俄能源商务论坛发贺信

    18-11-30 President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin sent congratulatory letters to the China-Russia energy business forum that opened in Beijing Thursday. 习近平主席和普京总统向周四在北京召开的中俄能源商务论坛发送祝贺信。 Xi said in the letter...