• 中国成功开采到可燃冰

    17-05-18 China has succeeded in collecting samples of combustible ice in the South China Sea, a major breakthrough that may lead to a global energy revolution, Minister of Land and Resources Jiang Daming said Thursday. 国土资源部部长姜大明周四表示,中国已成...

  • 加州州长将参加清洁能源会议

    17-05-13 California Gov. Jerry Brown will travel to China to discuss clean energy policy with international leaders next month, his office announced Friday. 加州州长办公室周五宣布,州长杰瑞布朗将于下月访问中国,与国际领导人探讨清洁能源政策。 Hell attend an i...

  • 通用2020年前在中国发布10款新能源汽车

    17-05-12 General Motors Co. (GM) plans to launch 10 new energy vehicles including hybrid electrics, plug-in hybrids and pure electrics in China by 2020. 通用汽车计划与2020年前在中国发布10款新能源汽车,包括混合动力车、插电式混合动力车以及纯电动汽车。 Besides...

  • 朝鲜核计划已取得进展

    17-05-03 The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is making progress with its nuclear program and its launching of missiles is extremely worrying, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said on Tuesday. 国际原子能机构周二透露,朝鲜在核计划已取得进展,...

  • 中国将改进能源消耗模式

    17-04-26 Chinas top economic planner Tuesday called for implementation of a government plan to promote reform in energy production and consumption. 国家发改委周二呼吁执行一项促进能源生产与消耗改革的政府计划。 Chinas total energy consumption will be capped at...

  • 周大福获批收购澳Alinta能源公司

    17-04-25 Hong Kong conglomerate Chow Tai Fook, which is best known for its jewelry stores, has won Australian regulatory approval to acquire gas and electricity provider Alinta Energy. 香港周大福经澳大利亚监管及机构批准收购Alinta Energy电气能源公司。 A spoke...

  • 土卫二理论上可能存在外星生物

    17-04-20 Saturns icy moon Enceladus could theoretically be home to methane-producing alien life, NASA said Thursday. 美国宇航局周四表示,冰冷的土星卫星土卫二理论上可能存在释放甲烷的外星生物。 Researchers made the announcement based on data from 2015, when th...

  • 为何宇宙可以是透明的

    17-03-27 Two papers published by an assistant professor at the University of California, Riverside and several collaborators explain why the universe has enough energy to become transparent. The study led by Naveen Reddy, an assistant professor in the Depart...

  • 水可帮助生物纤维集获取阳光

    17-03-23 When it comes to water, some materials have a split personality - and some of these materials could hold the key to new ways of harnessing solar energy. These small assemblies of organic molecules have parts that are hydrophobic, or water-fearing, w...

  • 密歇根州立大学研究出纳米发电器

    16-12-26 Michigan researchers have revealed a major breakthrough in harvesting energy from human motion. 密歇根的研究人员取得了一项重大突破, 可从人体动作中收集能量。 They say it could lead to smartphones powered for a week by the motion of a swipe being harv...