23-07-03 能源绿色低碳转型 a green-oriented transition of energy 国家发展改革委、国家能源局近日印发《关于完善能源绿色低碳转型体制机制和政策措施的意见》。《意见》提出,深化能源领域体制机制改革创新,加快构建清洁低碳、安全高效的能源体系。 China has rolled out po...
23-07-03 节能减排 energy conservation and emission reduction 近日,国务院印发《十四五节能减排综合工作方案》。《方案》明确,到2025年,全国单位国内生产总值能源消耗比2020年下降13.5%,能源消费总量得到合理控制。 China will appropriately control its total energy c...
23-01-31 英国威尔士地区游泳管理机构负责人提醒,威尔士地区500个公共游泳池中,近三分之一可能因高额能源账单而关闭。自由休闲代表威尔士地方议会运营着29家休闲中心,其中20家设有泳池。运营总监杰里米罗表示,即使在降低泳池温度和涨价后,游泳池的运行成本还是增加了350万...
23-01-30 Though Anna could barely move, she lifted her head to see Kristoff coming toward her. But nearby, in the other direction, she suddenly caught sight of something else something she could hardly believe. Was that her sister? Could Elsa also be out on...
23-01-29 利滋大学的一项研究报道认为中世纪时期的金属盔甲沉重得让士兵难以在沙场上作战,这也可能直接影响到战果。 As weapons became more and more sophisticated in medieval Europe armour also evolved, and by the 15th century soldiers would have been clad top-to-t...