• 古巴将削减100万政府部门岗位

    10-09-14 Cuba has announced radical plans to lay off huge numbers of state employees, to help revive the communist country's struggling economy. 古巴政府宣布激进计划:解雇数目庞大的政府雇员,以帮助恢复这个共产主义国家衰退的经济。 Cuba's government employs ab...

  • 奥巴马演讲 我相信美国3

    10-09-12 Let me give you another example. We want to put more Americans back to work rebuilding America - our roads, our railways, our runways. When the housing sector collapsed and the recession hit, one in every four jobs lost were in the construction indu...

  • 奥巴马演讲 美国工人的斗争将继续4

    10-09-12 Now, think about this. These are the people who teach our children. These are the people who keep our streets safe. These are the people who put their lives on the line, who rush into a burning building. Government jobs? I dont know about you, but I...

  • 奥巴马演讲 美国工人的斗争将继续2

    10-09-12 I was thinking about this last week. I was thinking about this last week on the day I announced the end of our combat mission in Iraq. (Applause.) And I spent some time, as I often do, with our soldiers and our veterans. And this new generation of t...

  • 欧盟将建立新财政监管体系

    10-09-08 European Union finance ministers have agreed to establish a new framework for financial supervision, designed to help prevent future financial crises. 欧盟财政部长同意建立一个财政监管新框架,以防止未来可能出现的金融危机。 The measures include a Euro...

  • 奥巴马宣布500亿美元基础设施建设计划

    10-09-07 President Barack Obama has called for a new comprehensive infrastructure plan as part of efforts to jump-start the spluttering US economy. 美国总统奥巴马提倡发起一项全新的综合基础设施建设计划,以此作为振兴美国经济的一部分。 The plan will invest abou...

  • 混合动力汽车前景广阔

    10-09-01 A University of Michigan researcher says it's possible to triple(使成三倍) fuel economy in gasoline-powered cars by 2035, but it'll mean getting our automotive kicks from smart electronic technology and other forms of virtual performance rather th...

  • 印度第二季度经济增长8.8%

    10-08-31 India's economy grew at its fastest rate for more than two years in the last quarter, according to official data. 官方统计数据显示,印度第二季度经济增长达到近两年多以来的最快速度。 In the three months to June, GDP was up 8.8% compared with the same...

  • 美联储主席欲对低迷的经济采取措施

    10-08-30 Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke has laid out four unconventional policy options to boost the US economy. 美联储主席本伯南克放出四个非常规政策以促进美国经济增长。 Mr Bernanke said all of the possible policy options contained risks Top of the li...

  • 奥巴马演讲 俄亥俄州民宅谈经济2

    10-08-23 Weve also been trying to help our state and local governments so that theyre not having to lay off as many teachers and firefighters and police officers, and I know that -- I think the mayor and the governor would acknowledge that the help that we p...