• 奥巴马演讲 做正确的事来应对失业并减税2

    10-12-13 Make no mistake(别搞错) : Allowing taxes to go up on all Americans would have raised taxes by $3,000 for a typical American family. And that could cost our economy well over a million jobs. At the same time, Im not about to add $700 billion to our...

  • 东亚正引领世界经济复苏

    10-12-07 East Asia's emerging economies are leading world recovery with a likely growth rate this year of 8.8%, the Asian Development Bank says. 亚洲发展银行称,东亚新兴经济正在引领世界经济的复苏,本年度经济增长速度达到8.8%。 That will soften to 7.3%, said t...

  • 奥巴马演讲 关于控制赤字的谈话2

    10-12-06 Ive also proposed a three-year freeze on all non-security discretionary(任意的,自由决定的) spending -- a step that would bring that spending to its lowest level as a share of the economy in 50 years. And weve brought unprecedented(空前的) trans...

  • 英国民众下注威廉王子婚期

    10-11-21 Royal courtiers were pondering on Wednesday how to tailor the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton to the austere times and Britons began betting on the likely date for the ceremony. 本周三,英国皇室官员们开始考虑如何在当前的严峻形势下打造威...

  • 美国新增工作岗位数量超过预期

    10-11-07 The US unemployment rate remained unchanged at 9.6% in October, but 151,000 jobs were created, the Labor Department has said. 美国劳动部称,十月份失业率保持9.6%不变,但是新增了15.1万个工作岗位。 The new jobs figure is much higher than analysts had e...

  • 奥巴马演讲 Working Together on the Economy

    10-11-07 Remarks of President Barack Obama As Prepared for Delivery The White House October 30, 2010 Tuesday is Election Day, and here in Washington, the talk is all about who will win and who will lose about parties and politics. But around kitchen tables,...

  • 美联储注入6000亿美元救市

    10-11-04 The Federal Reserve has announced that it will pump $600bn (373bn) into the US economy by the end of June next year to try to boost the fragile recovery. 美联储宣布在明年六月份之前向美国市场注入6000亿美元资金来恢复其脆弱的经济。 This stimulus equate...

  • 美国经济增长速度加快

    10-10-31 The US economy grew at an annualised rate of 2% in the July-to-September period, an acceleration on the previous quarter, official figures have shown. 官方统计数据显示,美国第三季度经济增长2%,比第二季度有所增长。 The expansion came despite continui...

  • 英国经济恢复速度超出预期

    10-10-27 The UK's economy grew at 0.8% between July and September, official figures show, suggesting the economy is recovering faster than expected. 官方统计数据显示,英国第三季度经济增长0.8%,经济恢复速度比预期要快。 It follows 1.2% growth in the second qua...

  • 日本经济最近处于停滞状态

    10-10-20 The Japanese economy is at a standstill, Japan's government has said, as concerns about the strong yen continue to grow. 日本政府称,日本经济处于停滞状态,日本政府担心日元会继续增值。 The recovery in the economy was pausing, the Cabinet Office said...