• 2018全球旅游收入有望增长6.7%

    18-01-18 Global tourism revenue is expected to grow by 6.7 percent in 2018, much higher than the forecast growth rates of global GDP, according to a world tourism report. 一份世界旅游业报告显示,2018年全球旅游收入有望增长6.7%,比全球GDP增长率高许多。 In 2017...

  • 2017中国GDP增长可能达到6.9%

    18-01-15 Chinese experts say that Chinas GDP growth may reach 6.9 percent in 2017. 专家表示,2017年中国GDP增长可能达到6.9%。 Xu Hongcai, an economist with the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, said such a rate is attainable as performance ha...

  • third sector 第三部门

    17-12-10 Third sector refers to the part of the economy that includes charity and religious work, philanthropy, and volunteerism. 第三部门指的是经济体的慈善机构和事业、宗教工作、志愿服务等领域。 Most people understand the role of governments and corporations...

  • 普京:2017将投资34亿美元发展信息科技

    17-07-06 Russia plans to invest 200 billion rubles (around 3.4 billion U.S. dollars) in developing its information technologies this year alone, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Wednesday. 俄罗斯总统普京周三表示,单就2017年俄罗斯计划投资2000亿卢布(大约...

  • 中国将采取措施降低物流成本

    17-07-06 China is set to reduce logistics costs and improve logistics efficiency to spur the real economy, according to a guideline approved at a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday. 本周三,由李克强主持的国务院常务会议...

  • 李克强:中国完全有能力完成2017增长目标

    17-06-27 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Tuesday China is fully capable of delivering major growth targets of this year, thanks to steady economic transition. 中国总理李克强周二表示,因经济过度平稳,中国完全有能力完成今年的经济增长目标。 The Chinese econo...

  • 中国共享经济蓬勃发展

    17-06-11 From bikes to umbrellas, China has witnessed a huge growth in its sharing economy. 从自行车到雨伞,中国的共享经济蓬勃发展。 Statistics show that Chinas market trade volume of sharing economy topped nearly 580 billion dollars last year with an increa...

  • 苏格兰在中国开设贸易办公室

    17-05-17 A new trade office has been opened in Yantai by the Scottish Chambers of Commerce. 苏格兰商会在烟台开设一处新的贸易办公室。 The office will aim to deepen the existing trade relationship between China and Scotland, as well as helping to forge new opp...

  • 中国科技投资公司瞄准以色列市场

    17-05-15 Chinese technology investors are paying an increasing interest in Israeli companies. 中国科技股投资者对以色列公司的兴趣与日俱增。 Thats according to the Independent newspaper, who reports that Chinese firms invested a record 12.8 billion in Israeli...

  • 2017第一季中国新增334万个工作岗位

    17-04-25 Chinas quarterly job report delivered a positive message Tuesday as 3.34 million new jobs were created in the first quarter and the unemployment rate fell to 3.97 percent. 2017年第一季度,中国新增334万个工作岗位,失业率下降至3.97%。 The number of ne...