• 研究人员揭示抗抑郁药的作用原理

    10-08-20 Yale researchers have discovered how a novel anti- depressant(镇静剂) can take effect in hours, rather than the weeks or months usually required for most drugs currently on the market. The findings, described in the August 20 issue of the journal...

  • 动物实验促进抗抑郁药的研究

    10-06-01 University of Michigan scientists have provided the most detailed picture yet of a key receptor in the brain that influences the effectiveness of serotonin-related antidepressants(抗抑郁药) , such as Prozac(百忧解) . The findings, which appear o...

  • 研究:男性也会得产后抑郁症

    10-05-24 Men are as likely as women to suffer from postnatal depression, a study shows. 一项研究显示,男性和女性一样会得产后抑郁症。 Mental health experts say although postnatal depression in man is not hormonal, it is surprisingly common and brought about b...

  • 少数民族儿童易遭受歧视引发情绪低落

    10-05-03 Minority children often encounter racism(种族歧视) in their daily lives, and those who experience discrimination more often have more symptoms of depression, according to a study to be presented Sunday, May 2 at the Pediatric(小儿科的) Academic...

  • 上网过度者易患抑郁症

    10-02-08 People who spend a lot of time surfing the internet are more likely to show signs of depression, British scientists said on Wednesday. 英国科学家于上周三称,经常上网的人出现抑郁症状的可能性更大。 People who spend a lot of time surfing the internet a...

  • 参加戒酒互助会可减轻忧郁症

    10-01-29 One of many reasons that attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous匿名戒酒互助会 (AA) meetings helps people with alcohol use disorders stay sober清醒,冷静 appears to be alleviation减轻,缓和 of depression. A team of researchers has found that study partic...

  • 研究:青少年睡觉充足不易患抑郁

    10-01-09 It seems parents have long been right. Going to bed early is key to getting enough sleep and helping adolescents feel on top of the world, a new study reported. 看来父母们一直以来都是对的。一项最新研究报告称,早睡不仅是得到充足睡眠的关键,而且有助于...

  • 研究:多喝绿茶可缓解抑郁

    09-12-28 Elderly people who drink several cups of green tea a day are less likely to suffer from depression, probably due to a feel good chemical found in this type of tea, Japanese researchers said. 日本研究人员日前称,老年人每天喝几杯绿茶可降低患抑郁症的风...

  • Learning from History to Reform Wall Street

    09-12-15 Over the past two years, more than seven million Americans have lost their jobs, and factories and businesses across our country have been shuttered被关闭的 . In one way or another不管怎样,无论如何 , weve all been touched by the worst economic down...

  • 母亲心情沮丧可能会加强孩子的哮喘症状

    09-11-20 Maternal depression(沮丧,萧条) can worsen asthma(哮喘) symptoms in their children, according to research from Johns Hopkins Children's Center published online in the Journal of Pediatric Psychology. Analyzing data from interviews with 262 mothe...