• 高龄产妇更容易得产后抑郁症

    12-03-26 Women who wait to have a baby until after they have established their career are more likely to suffer from post-natal depression, scientists say. 科学家称,那些等事业有成再要宝宝的女性更容易患产后抑郁症。 Older mothers are more likely to 'over-prep...

  • 独居的人更易患抑郁症

    12-03-23 People of working age who live alone increase their risk of depression by up to 80% compared with people living in families, says a Finnish study. 芬兰的一项研究发现,处在工作年龄的独居的人,患抑郁症的几率比与家人一起生活的人高出80%。 It says the ma...

  • 每天工作超11小时更易抑郁

    12-02-11 英国和芬兰的研究人员通过对2000多名英国公务员工作状态的调查发现,长时间工作的人更易患抑郁症,每天工作11个小时以上或每周工作55个小时以上的人则面临更大的风险。 Regularly working long hours in the office might increase your risk of a serious depressive...

  • 布拉德·皮特曾因吸食大麻导致抑郁症

    12-01-29 好莱坞著名影星布拉德皮特日前坦言他曾因吸食过量大麻导致抑郁症。 Brad Pitt, nominated earlier this week for an Oscar, has admitted that he suffered from depression after he smoked too much marijuana(大麻) . Pitt, star of Moneyball, for which is nomi...

  • 与抑郁症有关的一个基因被发现

    12-01-05 Psychiatric disorders can be described on many levels, the most traditional of which are subjective descriptions of the experience of being depressed and the use of rating scales that quantify depressive symptoms. Over the past two decades, research...

  • 年轻人忧郁易诱发心脏病

    11-11-13 The negative effects of depression in young people on the health of their hearts may be stronger than previously recognized. Depression or a history of suicide attempts in people younger than 40, especially young women, markedly increases their risk...

  • 喝咖啡能降低女性抑郁症几率

    11-09-27 The risk of depression appears to decrease for women with increasing consumption of caffeinated(含咖啡因的) coffee, according to a report in the September 26 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. Caffeine is th...

  • 上班族妈妈更容易得抑郁症

    11-08-27 Trying to be a supermum can be a recipe for depression, scientists said. 科学家称,做一个超级妈妈是让你患上抑郁症的途径之一。 Working mothers who try to do everything by themselves are more likely to become depressed than those who accept that they...

  • 两种处理消极情感的方法

    11-07-06 A big part of coping with life is having a flexible reaction to the ups and downs. Now, a study which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, finds that people choose t...

  • 氯胺酮为何具有显著的抗抑郁效果

    11-06-17 UT Southwestern Medical Center scientists are shedding new light on why the anesthetic(麻醉的) drug ketamine produces a fast-acting antidepressant response in patients with treatment-resistant depression. The drug's robust effect at low doses as a...