• 奥巴马讲话 呼吁国会尽早通过预算法

    13-09-29 Hi, everybody. It was five years ago this week that a financial crisis on Wall Street spread to Main Street, and very nearly turned a recession into a depression. In a matter of months, millions of Americans were robbed of their jobs, their homes, t...

  • 针灸或心理咨询可改善抑郁症症状

    13-09-25 Acupuncture(针灸) or counselling, provided alongside usual care, could benefit patients with depression, according to a study by researchers at the University of York. The study, conducted by a team led by Dr Hugh MacPherson, of the Department of...

  • 冬季忧郁症没有想象中常见

    13-08-28 New research suggests that getting depressed when it's cold and dreary(沉闷的) outside may not be as common as is often believed. In a study recently published online in the Journal of Affective Disorders, researchers found that neither time of ye...

  • 维生素D可使患糖尿病的女性降低血压

    13-06-26 In women who have type 2 diabetes and show signs of depression, vitamin D supplements significantly lowered blood pressure and improved their moods, according to a pilot study at Loyola University Chicago Niehoff School of Nursing. Vitamin D even he...

  • 抗抑郁药可能给胎儿带来伤害

    13-06-24 The risk posed by some popular antidepressants in early pregnancy is not worth taking for women with mild to moderate depression, an expert has warned. 一位专家警告,某些常用抗抑郁药对患有轻至中度抑郁症的女性在怀孕初期所带来的危险使它们不值得服用。...

  • 情绪相关词汇

    13-05-13 embarrassment 困窘/囧 despair 绝望 fear 害怕/恐惧 rage 愤怒 excitement 兴奋 happy 高兴 worry 担心 surprise 惊奇 nervous 紧张的 anger 愤怒 annoyance 恼火 unpleasant 不愉快的 indifference 无所谓、冷漠的 sulk 生闷气 angry 生气 anxiety 忧虑 depression...

  • 频用代词“我”的人易抑郁

    13-05-10 德国卡塞尔大学的研究人员发现,说话时频繁使用第一人称单数代词我的人更容易受抑郁和焦虑症困扰,且不善人际交往。 People who say 'me', 'myself' and 'I' frequently are more likely to suffer with depression and anxiety, according to new research. Scientist...

  • Re-tweet depression 微博欠转抑郁症

    13-04-27 Re-tweet depression describes the situation that you are often thrown into bouts of manic depression when you discover that your tweets/micro blog have not been re-tweeted/reposted enough. This depression often deepens when you find that your blog p...

  • seasonal affective disorder 季节性情绪紊乱

    13-04-07 Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that sets in or starts in the winter months. Unlike other types of depression, it may improve as spring comes on. It is often a cyclical, recurring disorder--you'll feel depression every wint...

  • causes of stress 压力来源

    13-03-18 A recent survey of 2,239 public servants from 20 different central state organs found that 63.3 percent of those interviewed complained of moderate and above-average levels of stress, while 13.5 percent of them suffered severe or extreme stress, res...