• 节食让人感觉悲惨甚至抑郁

    14-08-09 一项研究指出,节食会让你感觉悲惨,而且会增大你患抑郁症的风险。研究人员发现,那些成功瘦身的人感觉悲伤、寂寞和消沉的几率比体重保持不变或变胖的人大一倍。 It's easy to assume that when you finally lose those excess pounds, life will change for the bette...

  • May Disease 五月病

    14-07-10 May Disease is a common kind of minor depression in Japan. Almost all students enter new schools or universities in April. Most new company employees also start in April each year. Then there is a long Golden Week holiday at the beginning of May. Pe...

  • 婚姻的压力容易使人忧郁

    14-04-28 Marital stress may make people more vulnerable to depression, according to a recent study by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers and their colleagues. The long-term study, published in the April 2014 Journal of Psychophysiology, shows that p...

  • 抑郁是引发身心障碍的第二大原因

    14-04-07 Depression is the second most common cause of disability worldwide after back pain, according to a review of research. 研究显示,抑郁是引发身心障碍的第二大原因,仅次于背痛。 The disease must be treated as a global public health priority, experts rep...

  • 忧郁会增加四成心力衰竭的危险

    14-04-06 Moderate to severe depression increases the risk of heart failure by 40%, a study of nearly 63,000 Norwegians has shown. The findings were presented for the first time today at EuroHeartCare 2014. EuroHeartCare is the official annual meeting of the...

  • 15个对付抑郁的方法

    14-03-30 Depression is difficult, but there are handy mental tricks you can use, which are proven to work well to lift your mood. Use these mental tricks to build a more positive mindset and keep the black dog at bay. 战胜抑郁不容易,但这里的15条便利小贴士,...

  • postsantum depression 节后抑郁症

    14-02-11 Postsantum depression refers to the incredible letdown some folks experience when they realize Christmas is over. It occurs typically on the first day back to office after holidays. 节后抑郁症指的是人们在意识到圣诞节已经过去时感受到的极大的失落感。...

  • 自由职业似乎会加速抑郁

    13-12-06 当询问一批自由职业者,他们从工作里获得的最大的好处是什么?往往会有人这么回应:你可以穿着你的睡衣工作。呆在自己舒适、安全的家中,不用在外赔笑,不用故作坚强。当然,没有哪一种情况是完美的。自由职业者的工作也会带来一系列可能会使抑郁症恶化的因素。比如:...

  • 产后忧郁症可能持续影响几代人

    13-10-09 A recently published study suggests that exposure to social stress not only impairs a mother's ability to care for her children but can also negatively impact her daughter's ability to provide maternal care to future offspring. Researchers at the Cu...

  • 丙咪嗪和异丙嗪可用于治疗小细胞肺癌

    13-09-30 A b ioinformatics(生物信息学) approach to repurposing drugs resulted in identification of a class of antidepressants as a potential new treatment for small-cell lung cancer (SCLC), according to a study published in Cancer Discovery, a journal of t...